# Auxiliary predicate to determine whether a variable is integer. is_int/1 is declared as an input # predicate so that anthem doesn’t generate its completed definition input: is_int/1. axiom: forall X (is_int(X) <-> exists N X = N). # Perform the proofs under the assumption that n is a nonnegative integer input constant. n stands # for the total number of input sets input: n -> integer. assume: n >= 0. # s/2 is the input predicate defining the sets for which the program searches for exact covers input: s/2. # Perform the proofs under the assumption that the second parameter of s/2 (the number of the set) # is always an integer assume: forall X, Y (s(X, Y) -> is_int(Y)). # Only valid sets can be included in the solution assert: forall X (in(X) -> X >= 1 and X <= n). # If an element is contained in an input set, it must be covered by all solutions assert: forall X (exists I s(X, I) -> exists I (in(I) and s(X, I))). # Elements may not be covered by two input sets assert: forall I, J (exists X (s(X, I) and s(X, J)) and in(I) and in(J) -> I = J).