use structopt::StructOpt as _; #[derive(Debug, structopt::StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "anthem", about = "Use first-order theorem provers with answer set programs.")] enum Command { #[structopt(about = "Verifies a logic program against a specification")] #[structopt(aliases = &["vprog"])] VerifyProgram { /// ASP input program file path #[structopt(name = "program", parse(from_os_str), required(true))] program_path: std::path::PathBuf, #[structopt(name = "specification", parse(from_os_str), required(true))] /// Specification file path specification_path: std::path::PathBuf, /// Proof direction (forward, backward, both) #[structopt(long, default_value = "forward")] proof_direction: anthem::problem::ProofDirection, /// Do not simplify translated program #[structopt(long)] no_simplify: bool, /// Whether to use colors in the output (auto, always, never) #[structopt(name = "color", long, default_value = "auto")] color_choice: anthem::output::ColorChoice, } } fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init_custom_env("ANTHEM_LOG"); let command = Command::from_args(); match command { Command::VerifyProgram { program_path, specification_path, proof_direction, no_simplify, color_choice, } => anthem::commands::verify_program::run(&program_path, &specification_path, proof_direction, no_simplify, color_choice), } }