input: n -> integer. axiom: forall N1, N2, N3 (N1 > N2 and N3 > 0 -> N1 * N3 > N2 * N3). axiom: (p(0) and forall N (N >= 0 and p(N) -> p(N + 1))) -> (forall N p(N)). assume: n >= 0. assert: exists N (forall X (q(X) <-> X = N) and N >= 0 and N * N <= n and (N + 1) * (N + 1) > n). lemma(forward): forall N N * N >= N. lemma(forward): forall X (q(X) -> exists N X = N). lemma(forward): forall X (p(X) <-> exists N2 (X = N2 and N2 >= 0 and N2 * N2 <= n)). lemma(forward): forall X (q(X) <-> exists N2 (X = N2 and N2 >= 0 and N2 * N2 <= n and not p(N2 + 1))). lemma(forward): forall N2 (N2 >= 0 and not p(N2 + 1) -> (N2 + 1) * (N2 + 1) > n). lemma(forward): forall X (q(X) <-> exists N2 (X = N2 and N2 >= 0 and N2 * N2 <= n and (N2 + 1) * (N2 + 1) > n)). lemma(forward): exists N2 (forall X (X = N2 -> (q(X) <-> N2 >= 0 and N2 * N2 <= n and (N2 + 1) * (N2 + 1) > n))). lemma(forward): exists N2 p(N2). lemma(forward): forall N1, N2 (N1 >= 0 and N2 >= 0 and N1 < N2 -> N1 * N1 < N2 * N2). lemma(forward): forall N (N >= 0 and p(N + 1) -> p(N)). lemma(forward): not p(n + 1). lemma(forward): forall N1, N2 (N2 > N1 and N1 >= 0 and p(N2) -> p(N1)). lemma(forward): forall N (N >= 0 -> p(N)). lemma(forward): forall N2, N3 (q(N2) and N3 > N2 -> not q(N3)).