Refactored implementation of completion.
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ class VariableStack
std::vector<ast::Variable> collectFreeVariables(const ast::Formula &formula);
std::vector<ast::Variable> collectFreeVariables(const ast::Formula &formula, ast::VariableStack &variableStack);
bool matches(const ast::Predicate &lhs, const ast::Predicate &rhs);
void collectPredicates(const ast::Formula &formula, std::vector<const ast::Predicate *> &predicates);
@ -194,5 +194,44 @@ std::vector<ast::Variable> collectFreeVariables(const ast::Formula &formula, ast
struct CollectPredicatesVisitor : public RecursiveFormulaVisitor<CollectPredicatesVisitor>
static void accept(const ast::Predicate &predicate, const ast::Formula &, std::vector<const ast::Predicate *> &predicates)
const auto predicateMatches =
[&predicate](const auto *otherPredicate)
return matches(predicate, *otherPredicate);
if (std::find_if(predicates.cbegin(), predicates.cend(), predicateMatches) == predicates.cend())
// Ignore all other types of expressions
template<class T>
static void accept(const T &, const ast::Formula &, std::vector<const ast::Predicate *> &)
bool matches(const ast::Predicate &lhs, const ast::Predicate &rhs)
return ( == && lhs.arity() == rhs.arity());
// TODO: remove const_cast
void collectPredicates(const ast::Formula &formula, std::vector<const ast::Predicate *> &predicates)
auto &formulaMutable = const_cast<ast::Formula &>(formula);
formulaMutable.accept(CollectPredicatesVisitor(), formulaMutable, predicates);
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <anthem/ASTUtils.h>
#include <anthem/ASTVisitors.h>
#include <anthem/Utils.h>
namespace anthem
@ -12,163 +13,133 @@ namespace anthem
// Checks that two matching predicates (same name, same arity) have the same arguments
void checkMatchingPredicates(const ast::Term &lhs, const ast::Term &rhs)
// Copies the parameters of a predicate
std::vector<ast::Variable> copyParameters(const ast::Predicate &predicate)
if (!<ast::Variable>() || !<ast::Variable>())
throw std::runtime_error("cannot preform completion, only variables supported in predicates currently");
std::vector<ast::Variable> parameters;
if (lhs.get<ast::Variable>().name != rhs.get<ast::Variable>().name)
throw std::runtime_error("cannot perform completion, inconsistent predicate argument naming");
for (const auto ¶meter : predicate.arguments)
return parameters;
void completePredicate(const ast::Predicate &predicate, std::vector<ast::Formula> &formulas, std::size_t &formulaIndex)
// Builds the conjunction within the completed formula for a given predicate
ast::Formula buildCompletedFormulaDisjunction(const ast::Predicate &predicate, const std::vector<ast::Variable> ¶meters, const std::vector<ast::Formula> &formulas)
// Check that predicate is in normal form
for (auto i = formulaIndex; i < formulas.size(); i++)
auto &formula = formulas[i];
auto &implies = formula.get<ast::Implies>();
if (!<ast::Predicate>())
auto &otherPredicate = implies.consequent.get<ast::Predicate>();
if (predicate.arity() != otherPredicate.arity() || !=
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < predicate.arguments.size(); i++)
checkMatchingPredicates(predicate.arguments[i], otherPredicate.arguments[i]);
// Copy the predicate’s arguments for the completed formula
std::vector<ast::Variable> variables;
for (const auto &argument : predicate.arguments)
auto or_ = ast::Formula::make<ast::Or>();
// Build the conjunction of all formulas with the predicate as consequent
for (auto i = formulaIndex; i < formulas.size();)
auto &formula = formulas[i];
auto &implies = formula.get<ast::Implies>();
if (!<ast::Predicate>())
auto &otherPredicate = implies.consequent.get<ast::Predicate>();
if (predicate.arity() != otherPredicate.arity() || !=
auto disjunction = ast::Formula::make<ast::Or>();
ast::VariableStack variableStack;
// Build the conjunction of all formulas with the predicate as consequent
for (const auto &formula : formulas)
auto &implies = formula.get<ast::Implies>();
if (!<ast::Predicate>())
auto &otherPredicate = implies.consequent.get<ast::Predicate>();
if (!ast::matches(predicate, otherPredicate))
auto variables = ast::collectFreeVariables(implies.antecedent, variableStack);
// TODO: avoid deep copies
if (variables.empty())
auto exists = ast::Formula::make<ast::Exists>(std::move(variables), std::move(implies.antecedent));
auto exists = ast::Formula::make<ast::Exists>(std::move(variables), ast::deepCopy(implies.antecedent));
if (i > formulaIndex)
formulas.erase(formulas.begin() + i);
auto biconditionalRight = std::move(or_);
// If the disjunction contains only one element, drop the enclosing disjunction
if (biconditionalRight.get<ast::Or>().arguments.size() == 1)
biconditionalRight = biconditionalRight.get<ast::Or>().arguments.front();
// If the biconditional would be of the form “F <-> true” or “F <-> false,” simplify the output
if (<ast::Boolean>())
const auto &boolean = biconditionalRight.get<ast::Boolean>();
if (boolean.value == true)
formulas[formulaIndex] = ast::deepCopy(predicate);
formulas[formulaIndex] = ast::Formula::make<ast::Not>(ast::deepCopy(predicate));
// Build the biconditional within the completed formula
auto biconditional = ast::Formula::make<ast::Biconditional>(ast::deepCopy(predicate), std::move(biconditionalRight));
if (predicate.arguments.empty())
formulas[formulaIndex] = std::move(biconditional);
auto completedFormula = ast::Formula::make<ast::ForAll>(std::move(variables), std::move(biconditional));
formulas[formulaIndex] = std::move(completedFormula);
return disjunction;
void completeBoolean(std::vector<ast::Formula> &formulas, std::size_t &formulaIndex)
// Builds the quantified inner part of the completed formula
ast::Formula buildCompletedFormulaQuantified(ast::Predicate &&predicate, ast::Formula &&innerFormula)
if (innerFormula.get<ast::Or>().arguments.empty())
return ast::Formula::make<ast::Not>(std::move(predicate));
if (innerFormula.get<ast::Or>().arguments.size() == 1)
innerFormula = std::move(innerFormula.get<ast::Or>().arguments.front());
if (<ast::Boolean>())
const auto &boolean = innerFormula.get<ast::Boolean>();
if (boolean.value == true)
return std::move(predicate);
return ast::Formula::make<ast::Not>(std::move(predicate));
return ast::Formula::make<ast::Biconditional>(std::move(predicate), std::move(innerFormula));
void completePredicate(ast::Predicate &&predicate, const std::vector<ast::Formula> &formulas, std::vector<ast::Formula> &completedFormulas)
auto parameters = copyParameters(predicate);
auto completedFormulaDisjunction = buildCompletedFormulaDisjunction(predicate, parameters, formulas);
auto completedFormulaQuantified = buildCompletedFormulaQuantified(std::move(predicate), std::move(completedFormulaDisjunction));
if (parameters.empty())
auto completedFormula = ast::Formula::make<ast::ForAll>(std::move(parameters), std::move(completedFormulaQuantified));
void completeIntegrityConstraint(const ast::Formula &formula, std::vector<ast::Formula> &completedFormulas)
auto &formula = formulas[formulaIndex];
auto &implies = formula.get<ast::Implies>();
auto &boolean = implies.consequent.get<ast::Boolean>();
assert(implies.consequent.get<ast::Boolean>().value == false);
auto variables = ast::collectFreeVariables(implies.antecedent);
// Implications of the form “T -> true” are useless
if (boolean.value == true)
formulas.erase(formulas.begin() + formulaIndex);
auto argument = ast::Formula::make<ast::Not>(std::move(implies.antecedent));
// TODO: avoid deep copies
auto argument = ast::Formula::make<ast::Not>(ast::deepCopy(implies.antecedent));
if (variables.empty())
formula = std::move(argument);
formula = ast::Formula::make<ast::ForAll>(std::move(variables), std::move(argument));
auto completedFormula = ast::Formula::make<ast::ForAll>(std::move(variables), std::move(argument));
void complete(std::vector<ast::Formula> &formulas)
// Check whether formulas are in normal form
for (const auto &formula : formulas)
if (!<ast::Implies>())
@ -180,19 +151,58 @@ void complete(std::vector<ast::Formula> &formulas)
throw std::runtime_error("cannot perform completion, only single predicates and Booleans supported as formula consequent currently");
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < formulas.size();)
std::vector<const ast::Predicate *> predicates;
for (const auto &formula : formulas)
ast::collectPredicates(formula, predicates);
std::sort(predicates.begin(), predicates.end(),
[](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs)
const auto order = std::strcmp(lhs->name.c_str(), rhs->name.c_str());
if (order != 0)
return order < 0;
return lhs->arity() < rhs->arity();
std::vector<ast::Formula> completedFormulas;
// Complete predicates
for (const auto *predicate : predicates)
// Create the signature of the predicate
ast::Predicate signature(std::string(predicate->name));
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < predicate->arguments.size(); i++)
auto variableName = std::string(AuxiliaryHeadVariablePrefix) + std::to_string(i + 1);
signature.arguments.emplace_back(ast::Term::make<ast::Variable>(std::move(variableName), ast::Variable::Type::Reserved));
completePredicate(std::move(signature), formulas, completedFormulas);
// Complete integrity constraints
for (const auto &formula : formulas)
auto &formula = formulas[i];
auto &implies = formula.get<ast::Implies>();
if (<ast::Predicate>())
auto &predicate = implies.consequent.get<ast::Predicate>();
completePredicate(predicate, formulas, i);
else if (<ast::Boolean>())
completeBoolean(formulas, i);
if (!<ast::Boolean>())
const auto &boolean = implies.consequent.get<ast::Boolean>();
// Rules of the form “F -> #true” are useless
if (boolean.value == true)
completeIntegrityConstraint(formula, completedFormulas);
std::swap(formulas, completedFormulas);
@ -21,76 +21,127 @@ TEST_CASE("[completion] Rules are completed", "[completion]")
SECTION("predicate in single rule head")
input << "p :- q.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(p <-> q)\n");
CHECK(output.str() ==
"(p <-> q)\n"
"not q\n");
SECTION("predicate in multiple rule heads")
input << "p :- q.\n"
input <<
"p :- q.\n"
"p :- r.\n"
"p :- s.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(p <-> (q or r or s))\n");
CHECK(output.str() ==
"(p <-> (q or r or s))\n"
"not q\n"
"not r\n"
"not s\n");
SECTION("multiple predicates are correctly separated")
input << "p :- s.\n"
input <<
"p :- s.\n"
"q :- t.\n"
"p :- q.\n"
"r :- t.\n"
"q :- r.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(p <-> (s or q))\n(q <-> (t or r))\n(r <-> t)\n");
CHECK(output.str() ==
"(p <-> (s or q))\n"
"(q <-> (t or r))\n"
"(r <-> t)\n"
"not s\n"
"not t\n");
SECTION("integrity constraints")
input << ":- q.\n"
":- s(5).\n"
input <<
":- q.\n"
":- r(5).\n"
":- s(N).\n"
"#false :- t.\n"
"#false :- v(5).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
"#false :- u(5).";
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "not q\nnot s(5)\nnot t\nnot v(5)\n");
CHECK(output.str() ==
"not q\n"
"forall V1 not r(V1)\n"
"forall V1 not s(V1)\n"
"not t\n"
"forall V1 not u(V1)\n"
"not q\n"
"not r(5)\n"
"forall N not s(N)\n"
"not t\n"
"not u(5)\n");
input <<
"#true :- #true.\n"
"#true :- #false.\n"
"#false :- #true.\n"
"#false :- #false.\n";
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() ==
"not #true\n"
"not #false\n");
input << "q.\n"
input <<
"t :- #true.\n"
"s :- #true.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
"s :- #true.\n"
"t :- #true.";
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "q\nr\nt\ns\n");
CHECK(output.str() ==
SECTION("useless implications")
input << "#true :- p, q(N), t(1, 2).\n"
input <<
"#true :- p, q(N), t(1, 2).\n"
"h :- #false.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
"v :- #false.";
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
// TODO: implement completion for unused predicates
CHECK(output.str() == "not h\n");
CHECK(output.str() ==
"not p\n"
"forall V1 not q(V1)\n"
"forall V1, V2 not t(V1, V2)\n"
"not v\n");
input << "{in(1..n, 1..r)}.\n"
input <<
"{in(1..n, 1..r)}.\n"
"covered(I) :- in(I, S).\n"
":- I = 1..n, not covered(I).\n"
":- in(I, S), in(J, S), in(I + J, S).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "forall V1, V2 (in(V1, V2) <-> (V1 in 1..n and V2 in 1..r and in(V1, V2)))\n"
CHECK(output.str() ==
"forall V1 (covered(V1) <-> exists I, S (V1 = I and in(I, S)))\n"
"forall V1, V2 (in(V1, V2) <-> (V1 in 1..n and V2 in 1..r and in(V1, V2)))\n"
"forall I not (I in 1..n and not covered(I))\n"
"forall I, S, J not (in(I, S) and in(J, S) and exists X5 (X5 in (I + J) and in(X5, S)))\n");
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[simplification] Rules are simplified correctly", "[simplification]")
SECTION("example 1")
input << ":- in(I, S), in(J, S), in(I + J, S).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((in(I, S) and in(J, S) and exists X5 (X5 in (I + J) and in(X5, S))) -> #false)\n");
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[simplification] Rules are simplified correctly", "[simplification]")
SECTION("example 2")
input << "covered(I) :- in(I, S).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 = I and in(I, S)) -> covered(V1))\n");
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[simplification] Rules are simplified correctly", "[simplification]")
SECTION("example 3")
input << ":- not covered(I), I = 1..n.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((not covered(I) and I in 1..n) -> #false)\n");
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[simplification] Rules are simplified correctly", "[simplification]")
input << ":- M > N.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(M > N -> #false)\n");
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("simple example 1")
input << "p(1..5).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(V1 in 1..5 -> p(V1))\n");
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("simple example 2")
input << "p(N) :- N = 1..5.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in N and exists X1, X2 (X1 in N and X2 in 1..5 and X1 = X2)) -> p(V1))\n");
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("simple example 3")
input << "p(N + 1) :- q(N).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in (N + 1) and exists X1 (X1 in N and q(X1))) -> p(V1))\n");
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("n-ary head")
input << "p(N, 1, 2) :- N = 1..5.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in N and V2 in 1 and V3 in 2 and exists X1, X2 (X1 in N and X2 in 1..5 and X1 = X2)) -> p(V1, V2, V3))\n");
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
// TODO: check why order of disjunctive literals is inverted
input << "q(3, N); p(N, 1, 2) :- N = 1..5.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in N and V2 in 1 and V3 in 2 and V4 in 3 and V5 in N and exists X1, X2 (X1 in N and X2 in 1..5 and X1 = X2)) -> (p(V1, V2, V3) or q(V4, V5)))\n");
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
// TODO: check why order of disjunctive literals is inverted
input << "q(3, N), p(N, 1, 2) :- N = 1..5.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in N and V2 in 1 and V3 in 2 and V4 in 3 and V5 in N and exists X1, X2 (X1 in N and X2 in 1..5 and X1 = X2)) -> (p(V1, V2, V3) or q(V4, V5)))\n");
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("escaping conflicting variable names")
input << "p(X1, V1, A1) :- q(X1), q(V1), q(A1).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in _X1 and V2 in _V1 and V3 in _A1 and exists X1 (X1 in _X1 and q(X1)) and exists X2 (X2 in _V1 and q(X2)) and exists X3 (X3 in _A1 and q(X3))) -> p(V1, V2, V3))\n");
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << "p(42).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(V1 in 42 -> p(V1))\n");
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("0-ary fact")
input << "p.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(#true -> p)\n");
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << ":- not p(I), I = 1..n.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((exists X1 (X1 in I and not p(X1)) and exists X2, X3 (X2 in I and X3 in 1..n and X2 = X3)) -> #false)\n");
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("disjunctive fact (no arguments)")
input << "q; p.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(#true -> (p or q))\n");
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("disjunctive fact (arguments)")
input << "q; p(42).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(V1 in 42 -> (p(V1) or q))\n");
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("integrity constraint (no arguments)")
input << ":- p, q.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((p and q) -> #false)\n");
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << ":-.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(#true -> #false)\n");
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("integrity constraint (arguments)")
input << ":- p(42), q.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((exists X1 (X1 in 42 and p(X1)) and q) -> #false)\n");
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << "p(X, #inf) :- q(X, #sup).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in #inf and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in #sup and q(X1, X2))) -> p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << "p(X, \"foo\") :- q(X, \"bar\").";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in \"foo\" and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in \"bar\" and q(X1, X2))) -> p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << "p(X, (1, 2, 3)) :- q(X, (4, 5)).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in (1, 2, 3) and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in (4, 5) and q(X1, X2))) -> p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("1-ary tuples")
input << "p(X, (1,)) :- q(X, (2,)).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in (1,) and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in (2,) and q(X1, X2))) -> p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << "p(X, 1..10) :- q(X, 6..12).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in 1..10 and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in 6..12 and q(X1, X2))) -> p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
input << "p(M, N, O, P) :- M < N, P != O.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in M and V2 in N and V3 in O and V4 in P and exists X1, X2 (X1 in M and X2 in N and X1 < X2) and exists X3, X4 (X3 in P and X4 in O and X3 != X4)) -> p(V1, V2, V3, V4))\n");
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("single negation")
input << "not p(X, 1) :- not q(X, 2).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in 1 and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in 2 and not q(X1, X2))) -> not p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
// TODO: check why order of disjunctive literals is inverted
input << "f; q(A1, A2); p(A3, r(A4)); g(g(A5)) :- g(A3), f, q(A4, A1), p(A2, A5).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in _A1 and V2 in _A2 and V3 in _A3 and V4 in r(_A4) and V5 in g(_A5)"
" and exists X1 (X1 in _A3 and g(X1)) and f and exists X2, X3 (X2 in _A4 and X3 in _A1 and q(X2, X3)) and exists X4, X5 (X4 in _A2 and X5 in _A5 and p(X4, X5)))"
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("nested functions")
input << "p(q(s(t(X1))), u(X2)) :- u(v(w(X2)), z(X1)).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in q(s(t(_X1))) and V2 in u(_X2) and exists X1, X2 (X1 in v(w(_X2)) and X2 in z(_X1) and u(X1, X2))) -> p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("choice rule (simple)")
input << "{p}.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(p -> p)\n");
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("choice rule (two elements)")
input << "{p; q}.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "(p -> p)\n(q -> q)\n");
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("choice rule (n-ary elements)")
input << "{p(1..3, N); q(2..4)}.";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in 1..3 and V2 in N and V3 in 2..4 and p(V1, V2)) -> p(V1, V2))\n((V1 in 1..3 and V2 in N and V3 in 2..4 and q(V3)) -> q(V3))\n");
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("choice rule with body")
input << "{p(M, N); q(P)} :- s(M, N, P).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in M and V2 in N and V3 in P and exists X1, X2, X3 (X1 in M and X2 in N and X3 in P and s(X1, X2, X3)) and p(V1, V2)) -> p(V1, V2))\n((V1 in M and V2 in N and V3 in P and exists X1, X2, X3 (X1 in M and X2 in N and X3 in P and s(X1, X2, X3)) and q(V3)) -> q(V3))\n");
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("choice rule with negation")
input << "{not p(X, 1)} :- not q(X, 2).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in 1 and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in 2 and not q(X1, X2)) and not p(V1, V2)) -> not p(V1, V2))\n");
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("choice rule with negation (two elements)")
input << "{not p(X, 1); not s} :- not q(X, 2).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in X and V2 in 1 and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in 2 and not q(X1, X2)) and not p(V1, V2)) -> not p(V1, V2))\n((V1 in X and V2 in 1 and exists X1, X2 (X1 in X and X2 in 2 and not q(X1, X2)) and not s) -> not s)\n");
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]")
SECTION("anonymous variables")
input << "p(_, _) :- q(_, _).";
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(anthem::translate("input", input, context));
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() == "((V1 in A1 and V2 in A2 and exists X1, X2 (X1 in A3 and X2 in A4 and q(X1, X2))) -> p(V1, V2))\n");
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