#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH --partition=kr tmp_dir=/home/pluehne/tmp mkdir -p "$tmp_dir" dir="$tmp_dir"/"job-$JOB_ID" if [[ -d $dir ]] then rm -rf "$dir" fi mkdir -p "$dir" pushd "$dir" git clone "$JOB_RESULT_REPOSITORY_URL" repository pushd repository git config user.name "Potassco Bot" git config user.email "bot@potassco.org" echo "start of benchmark output of job $JOB_KEY" > output sleep "$TIME" echo "collected $FRUIT" >> output echo "end of benchmark output of job $JOB_KEY" >> output git add output git commit -m "Add results of job $JOB_KEY" git push popd popd