
1274 lines
44 KiB

use crate::flavor::PredicateDeclaration as _;
use super::terms::*;
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::ComparisonOperator
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
let operator_symbol = match self
Self::Less => "<",
Self::LessOrEqual => "<=",
Self::Greater => ">",
Self::GreaterOrEqual => ">=",
Self::Equal => "=",
Self::NotEqual => "!=",
write!(formatter, "{}", operator_symbol)
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::ImplicationDirection
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
match &self
Self::LeftToRight => write!(formatter, "left to right"),
Self::RightToLeft => write!(formatter, "right to left"),
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::PredicateDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(formatter, "{}/{}", &, self.arity)
impl std::fmt::Display for crate::PredicateDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(formatter, "{:?}", &self)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum FormulaPosition
pub struct FormulaDisplay<'formula, F>
F: crate::flavor::Flavor,
formula: &'formula crate::Formula<F>,
parent_formula: Option<&'formula crate::Formula<F>>,
position: FormulaPosition,
//declarations: &'d D,
impl<'formula, F> FormulaDisplay<'formula, F>
F: crate::flavor::Flavor,
fn requires_parentheses(&self) -> bool
use crate::Formula;
let parent_formula = match self.parent_formula
Some(parent_formula) => parent_formula,
None => return false,
match self.formula
| Formula::Boolean(_)
| Formula::Compare(_)
| Formula::Not(_)
| Formula::Exists(_)
| Formula::ForAll(_)
=> false,
| Formula::Or(formulas)
| Formula::IfAndOnlyIf(formulas) if formulas.len() <= 1
=> false,
Formula::And(_) => match *parent_formula
| Formula::Exists(_)
| Formula::ForAll(_)
=> true,
_ => false,
Formula::Or(_) => match *parent_formula
| Formula::Exists(_)
| Formula::ForAll(_)
| Formula::And(_)
=> true,
_ => false,
Formula::Implies(crate::Implies{direction, ..}) => match &*parent_formula
| Formula::Exists(_)
| Formula::ForAll(_)
| Formula::And(_)
| Formula::Or(_)
=> true,
Formula::Implies(crate::Implies{direction: parent_direction, ..}) =>
if direction == parent_direction
// Implications with the same direction nested on the antecedent side
// require parentheses because implication is considered right-associative
self.position == FormulaPosition::ImpliesAntecedent
// Nested implications with opposite direction always require parentheses
// because the order of formulas like p <- q -> r would be ambiguous
_ => false,
Formula::IfAndOnlyIf(_) => true,
pub(crate) fn display_formula<'formula, F>(formula: &'formula crate::Formula<F>,
parent_formula: Option<&'formula crate::Formula<F>>, position: FormulaPosition)
-> FormulaDisplay<'formula, F>
F: crate::flavor::Flavor,
impl<'formula, F> std::fmt::Debug for FormulaDisplay<'formula, F>
F: crate::flavor::Flavor,
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
let requires_parentheses = self.requires_parentheses();
if requires_parentheses
write!(formatter, "(")?;
match &self.formula
crate::Formula::Exists(exists) =>
if exists.parameters.is_empty()
write!(formatter, "{:?}", display_formula::<F>(&exists.argument,
self.parent_formula, self.position))?;
write!(formatter, "exists")?;
let mut separator = " ";
for parameter in exists.parameters.iter()
write!(formatter, "{}{}", separator, parameter)?;
separator = ", "
write!(formatter, " {:?}", display_formula(&exists.argument, Some(self.formula),
crate::Formula::ForAll(for_all) =>
if for_all.parameters.is_empty()
write!(formatter, "{:?}", display_formula(&for_all.argument,
self.parent_formula, self.position))?;
write!(formatter, "forall")?;
let mut separator = " ";
for parameter in for_all.parameters.iter()
write!(formatter, "{}{}", separator, parameter)?;
separator = ", "
write!(formatter, " {:?}", display_formula(&for_all.argument,
Some(self.formula), FormulaPosition::Any))?;
crate::Formula::Not(argument) => write!(formatter, "not {:?}",
display_formula(argument, Some(self.formula), FormulaPosition::Any))?,
crate::Formula::And(arguments) =>
if arguments.is_empty()
write!(formatter, "true")?;
let (parent_formula, position) = match arguments.len()
1 => (self.parent_formula, self.position),
_ => (Some(self.formula), FormulaPosition::Any),
let mut separator = "";
for argument in arguments
write!(formatter, "{}{:?}", separator,
display_formula(argument, parent_formula, position))?;
separator = " and "
crate::Formula::Or(arguments) =>
if arguments.is_empty()
write!(formatter, "false")?;
let (parent_formula, position) = match arguments.len()
1 => (self.parent_formula, self.position),
_ => (Some(self.formula), FormulaPosition::Any),
let mut separator = "";
for argument in arguments
write!(formatter, "{}{:?}", separator,
display_formula(argument, parent_formula, position))?;
separator = " or "
crate::Formula::Implies(crate::Implies{direction, antecedent, implication}) =>
let format_antecedent = |formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter| -> Result<_, _>
write!(formatter, "{:?}",
display_formula(antecedent, Some(self.formula),
let format_implication = |formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter| -> Result<_, _>
write!(formatter, "{:?}",
display_formula(implication, Some(self.formula), FormulaPosition::Any))
match direction
crate::ImplicationDirection::LeftToRight =>
write!(formatter, " -> ")?;
crate::ImplicationDirection::RightToLeft =>
write!(formatter, " <- ")?;
crate::Formula::IfAndOnlyIf(arguments) =>
if arguments.is_empty()
write!(formatter, "true")?;
let (parent_formula, position) = match arguments.len()
1 => (self.parent_formula, self.position),
_ => (Some(self.formula), FormulaPosition::Any),
let mut separator = "";
for argument in arguments
write!(formatter, "{}{:?}", separator,
display_formula(argument, parent_formula, position))?;
separator = " <-> "
crate::Formula::Compare(compare) =>
let operator_string = match compare.operator
crate::ComparisonOperator::Less => "<",
crate::ComparisonOperator::LessOrEqual => "<=",
crate::ComparisonOperator::Greater => ">",
crate::ComparisonOperator::GreaterOrEqual => ">=",
crate::ComparisonOperator::Equal => "=",
crate::ComparisonOperator::NotEqual => "!=",
write!(formatter, "{:?} {} {:?}",
display_term(&compare.left, None, TermPosition::Any), operator_string,
display_term(&compare.right, None, TermPosition::Any))?;
crate::Formula::Boolean(true) => write!(formatter, "true")?,
crate::Formula::Boolean(false) => write!(formatter, "false")?,
crate::Formula::Predicate(predicate) =>
write!(formatter, "{}",;
if !predicate.arguments.is_empty()
write!(formatter, "(")?;
let mut separator = "";
for argument in &predicate.arguments
write!(formatter, "{}{:?}", separator, display_term(argument, None,
separator = ", "
write!(formatter, ")")?;
if requires_parentheses
write!(formatter, ")")?;
impl<'formula, F> std::fmt::Display for FormulaDisplay<'formula, F>
F: crate::flavor::Flavor,
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(formatter, "{:?}", self)
impl<F> std::fmt::Debug for crate::Formula<F>
F: crate::flavor::Flavor,
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(formatter, "{:?}", display_formula(&self, None, FormulaPosition::Any))
impl<F> std::fmt::Display for crate::Formula<F>
F: crate::flavor::Flavor,
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(formatter, "{}", display_formula(&self, None, FormulaPosition::Any))
mod tests
use crate::*;
use format::terms::tests::*;
type Formula = crate::Formula<flavor::DefaultFlavor>;
type Term = crate::Term<flavor::DefaultFlavor>;
type VariableDeclarations = crate::VariableDeclarations<flavor::DefaultFlavor>;
macro_rules! assert
($formula:expr, $output:expr) =>
assert_eq!(format($formula), $output);
// Tests all neutral intermediates (such as 1-ary conjunction)
macro_rules! assert_all
($intermediate:ident, $formula:expr, $output:expr) =>
let $intermediate = |f: Box<Formula>| f;
assert!($formula, $output);
let $intermediate = |f: Box<Formula>| exists(vec![], f);
assert!($formula, $output);
let $intermediate = |f: Box<Formula>| for_all(vec![], f);
assert!($formula, $output);
let $intermediate = |f: Box<Formula>| and(vec![f]);
assert!($formula, $output);
let $intermediate = |f: Box<Formula>| or(vec![f]);
assert!($formula, $output);
let $intermediate = |f: Box<Formula>| if_and_only_if(vec![f]);
assert!($formula, $output);
fn format(formula: Box<Formula>) -> String
format!("{}", formula)
fn and(arguments: Vec<Box<Formula>>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::and(arguments.into_iter().map(|x| *x).collect()))
fn equal(left: Box<Term>, right: Box<Term>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::equal(left, right))
fn exists(parameters: VariableDeclarations, argument: Box<Formula>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::exists(std::rc::Rc::new(parameters), argument))
fn false_() -> Box<Formula>
fn for_all(parameters: VariableDeclarations, argument: Box<Formula>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::for_all(std::rc::Rc::new(parameters), argument))
fn greater(left: Box<Term>, right: Box<Term>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::greater(left, right))
fn greater_or_equal(left: Box<Term>, right: Box<Term>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::greater_or_equal(left, right))
fn if_and_only_if(arguments: Vec<Box<Formula>>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::if_and_only_if(arguments.into_iter().map(|x| *x).collect()))
fn implies(direction: ImplicationDirection, antecedent: Box<Formula>, implication: Box<Formula>)
-> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::implies(direction, antecedent, implication))
fn less(left: Box<Term>, right: Box<Term>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::less(left, right))
fn less_or_equal(left: Box<Term>, right: Box<Term>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::less_or_equal(left, right))
fn not(argument: Box<Formula>) -> Box<Formula>
fn not_equal(left: Box<Term>, right: Box<Term>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::not_equal(left, right))
fn or(arguments: Vec<Box<Formula>>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::or(arguments.into_iter().map(|x| *x).collect()))
fn predicate(name: &str, arguments: Vec<Box<Term>>) -> Box<Formula>
Box::new(Formula::predicate(predicate_declaration(name, arguments.len()),
arguments.into_iter().map(|x| *x).collect()))
fn predicate_declaration(name: &str, arity: usize) -> std::rc::Rc<PredicateDeclaration>
std::rc::Rc::new(PredicateDeclaration::new(name.to_string(), arity))
fn true_() -> Box<Formula>
fn x() -> std::rc::Rc<VariableDeclaration>
fn y() -> std::rc::Rc<VariableDeclaration>
fn z() -> std::rc::Rc<VariableDeclaration>
fn xyz() -> VariableDeclarations
vec![x(), y(), z()]
fn x1y1z1() -> VariableDeclarations
vec![variable_declaration("X1"), variable_declaration("Y1"), variable_declaration("Z1")]
fn x2y2z2() -> VariableDeclarations
vec![variable_declaration("X2"), variable_declaration("Y2"), variable_declaration("Z2")]
fn x3y3z3() -> VariableDeclarations
vec![variable_declaration("X3"), variable_declaration("Y3"), variable_declaration("Z3")]
fn p() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("p", vec![])
fn q() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("q", vec![])
fn p1() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("p1", vec![])
fn q1() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("q1", vec![])
fn p2() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("p2", vec![])
fn q2() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("q2", vec![])
fn p3() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("p3", vec![])
fn q3() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("q3", vec![])
fn r() -> Box<Formula>
predicate("r", vec![])
fn pqr() -> Vec<Box<Formula>>
vec![p(), q(), r()]
fn p1q1r1() -> Vec<Box<Formula>>
vec![p1(), q1(), predicate("r1", vec![])]
fn p2q2r2() -> Vec<Box<Formula>>
vec![p2(), q2(), predicate("r2", vec![])]
fn p3q3r3() -> Vec<Box<Formula>>
vec![p3(), q3(), predicate("r3", vec![])]
fn implies_right(antecedent: Box<Formula>, implication: Box<Formula>) -> Box<Formula>
implies(ImplicationDirection::LeftToRight, antecedent, implication)
fn implies_left(antecedent: Box<Formula>, implication: Box<Formula>) -> Box<Formula>
implies(ImplicationDirection::RightToLeft, antecedent, implication)
fn format_boolean()
assert!(true_(), "true");
assert!(false_(), "false");
fn format_compare()
assert!(greater(a(), b()), "a > b");
assert!(less(a(), b()), "a < b");
assert!(less_or_equal(a(), b()), "a <= b");
assert!(greater_or_equal(a(), b()), "a >= b");
assert!(equal(a(), b()), "a = b");
assert!(not_equal(a(), b()), "a != b");
assert!(greater(multiply(add(a(), b()), c()), absolute_value(subtract(d(), e()))),
"(a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(less(multiply(add(a(), b()), c()), absolute_value(subtract(d(), e()))),
"(a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(less_or_equal(multiply(add(a(), b()), c()), absolute_value(subtract(d(), e()))),
"(a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(greater_or_equal(multiply(add(a(), b()), c()), absolute_value(subtract(d(), e()))),
"(a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(equal(multiply(add(a(), b()), c()), absolute_value(subtract(d(), e()))),
"(a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(not_equal(multiply(add(a(), b()), c()), absolute_value(subtract(d(), e()))),
"(a + b) * c != |d - e|");
fn format_predicate()
assert!(p(), "p");
assert!(predicate("predicate", vec![]), "predicate");
assert!(predicate("q", vec![a()]), "q(a)");
assert!(predicate("q", abc()), "q(a, b, c)");
assert!(predicate("predicate", abc()), "predicate(a, b, c)");
assert!(predicate("predicate", vec![
exponentiate(absolute_value(multiply(a(), integer(-20))), integer(2)),
function("f", vec![multiply(add(b(), c()), subtract(b(), c())), infimum(),
"predicate(|a * -20| ** 2, \"test\", f((b + c) * (b - c), #inf, X))");
// TODO: escape predicates that start with capital letters or that conflict with keywords
fn format_predicate_declaration()
assert_eq!(format!("{}", predicate_declaration("p", 0)), "p/0");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", predicate_declaration("predicate", 0)), "predicate/0");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", predicate_declaration("q", 1)), "q/1");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", predicate_declaration("q", 3)), "q/3");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", predicate_declaration("predicate", 3)), "predicate/3");
fn format_exists()
assert!(exists(vec![], p()), "p");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], p()), "exists X p");
assert!(exists(xyz(), p()), "exists X, Y, Z p");
fn format_for_all()
assert!(for_all(vec![], p()), "p");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], p()), "forall X p");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), p()), "forall X, Y, Z p");
fn format_not()
assert!(not(p()), "not p");
fn format_and()
assert!(and(vec![]), "true");
assert!(and(vec![p()]), "p");
assert!(and(pqr()), "p and q and r");
fn format_or()
assert!(or(vec![]), "false");
assert!(or(vec![p()]), "p");
assert!(or(pqr()), "p or q or r");
fn format_implies()
assert!(implies_right(p(), q()), "p -> q");
assert!(implies_left(p(), q()), "q <- p");
fn format_if_and_only_if()
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![]), "true");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]), "p");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![p(), q()]), "p <-> q");
assert!(if_and_only_if(pqr()), "p <-> q <-> r");
fn format_combinations_boolean()
// Not + Boolean
assert!(not(true_()), "not true");
assert!(not(false_()), "not false");
// Quantified formula + Boolean
assert!(exists(vec![], true_()), "true");
assert!(exists(vec![], false_()), "false");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], true_()), "exists X true");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], false_()), "exists X false");
assert!(exists(xyz(), true_()), "exists X, Y, Z true");
assert!(exists(xyz(), false_()), "exists X, Y, Z false");
assert!(for_all(vec![], true_()), "true");
assert!(for_all(vec![], false_()), "false");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], true_()), "forall X true");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], false_()), "forall X false");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), true_()), "forall X, Y, Z true");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), false_()), "forall X, Y, Z false");
// And + Boolean
assert!(and(vec![true_()]), "true");
assert!(and(vec![true_(), true_(), true_()]), "true and true and true");
assert!(and(vec![false_()]), "false");
assert!(and(vec![false_(), false_(), false_()]), "false and false and false");
// Or + Boolean
assert!(or(vec![true_()]), "true");
assert!(or(vec![true_(), true_(), true_()]), "true or true or true");
assert!(or(vec![false_()]), "false");
assert!(or(vec![false_(), false_(), false_()]), "false or false or false");
// Implies + Boolean
assert!(implies_right(true_(), true_()), "true -> true");
assert!(implies_left(true_(), true_()), "true <- true");
assert!(implies_right(false_(), false_()), "false -> false");
assert!(implies_left(false_(), false_()), "false <- false");
// If and only if + Boolean
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![true_()]), "true");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![true_(), true_(), true_()]), "true <-> true <-> true");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![false_()]), "false");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![false_(), false_(), false_()]), "false <-> false <-> false");
fn format_combinations_compare()
let term_1 = || multiply(add(a(), b()), c());
let term_2 = || absolute_value(subtract(d(), e()));
let term_3 = || exponentiate(a(), exponentiate(b(), c()));
let term_4 = || negative(function("f", vec![integer(5), add(variable("X"), integer(3))]));
// Not + compare
assert!(not(greater(term_1(), term_2())), "not (a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(not(less(term_1(), term_2())), "not (a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(not(less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "not (a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(not(greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "not (a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(not(equal(term_1(), term_2())), "not (a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(not(not_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "not (a + b) * c != |d - e|");
// Quantified formula + compare
assert!(exists(vec![], greater(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![], less(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![], less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![], greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![], equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![], not_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c != |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![], greater(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![], less(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![], less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![], greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![], equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![], not_equal(term_1(), term_2())), "(a + b) * c != |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], greater(term_1(), term_2())), "exists X (a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], less(term_1(), term_2())), "exists X (a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"exists X (a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"exists X (a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], equal(term_1(), term_2())), "exists X (a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(exists(vec![x()], not_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"exists X (a + b) * c != |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], greater(term_1(), term_2())), "forall X (a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], less(term_1(), term_2())), "forall X (a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"forall X (a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"forall X (a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], equal(term_1(), term_2())), "forall X (a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(vec![x()], not_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"forall X (a + b) * c != |d - e|");
assert!(exists(xyz(), greater(term_1(), term_2())), "exists X, Y, Z (a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(exists(xyz(), less(term_1(), term_2())), "exists X, Y, Z (a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(exists(xyz(), less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"exists X, Y, Z (a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(exists(xyz(), greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"exists X, Y, Z (a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(exists(xyz(), equal(term_1(), term_2())), "exists X, Y, Z (a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(exists(xyz(), not_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"exists X, Y, Z (a + b) * c != |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), greater(term_1(), term_2())),
"forall X, Y, Z (a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), less(term_1(), term_2())), "forall X, Y, Z (a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"forall X, Y, Z (a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"forall X, Y, Z (a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), equal(term_1(), term_2())), "forall X, Y, Z (a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(for_all(xyz(), not_equal(term_1(), term_2())),
"forall X, Y, Z (a + b) * c != |d - e|");
// And + compare
assert!(and(vec![greater(term_1(), term_2()), greater(term_3(), term_4()),
greater(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c > |d - e| and a ** b ** c > -f(5, X + 3) and |d - e| > -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(and(vec![less(term_1(), term_2()), less(term_3(), term_4()),
less(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c < |d - e| and a ** b ** c < -f(5, X + 3) and |d - e| < -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(and(vec![less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()), less_or_equal(term_3(), term_4()),
less_or_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c <= |d - e| and a ** b ** c <= -f(5, X + 3) and |d - e| <= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(and(vec![greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()), greater_or_equal(term_3(), term_4()),
greater_or_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c >= |d - e| and a ** b ** c >= -f(5, X + 3) and |d - e| >= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(and(vec![equal(term_1(), term_2()), equal(term_3(), term_4()),
equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c = |d - e| and a ** b ** c = -f(5, X + 3) and |d - e| = -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(and(vec![not_equal(term_1(), term_2()), not_equal(term_3(), term_4()),
not_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c != |d - e| and a ** b ** c != -f(5, X + 3) and |d - e| != -f(5, X + 3)");
// Or + compare
assert!(or(vec![greater(term_1(), term_2()), greater(term_3(), term_4()),
greater(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c > |d - e| or a ** b ** c > -f(5, X + 3) or |d - e| > -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(or(vec![less(term_1(), term_2()), less(term_3(), term_4()),
less(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c < |d - e| or a ** b ** c < -f(5, X + 3) or |d - e| < -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(or(vec![less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()), less_or_equal(term_3(), term_4()),
less_or_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c <= |d - e| or a ** b ** c <= -f(5, X + 3) or |d - e| <= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(or(vec![greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()), greater_or_equal(term_3(), term_4()),
greater_or_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c >= |d - e| or a ** b ** c >= -f(5, X + 3) or |d - e| >= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(or(vec![equal(term_1(), term_2()), equal(term_3(), term_4()),
equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c = |d - e| or a ** b ** c = -f(5, X + 3) or |d - e| = -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(or(vec![not_equal(term_1(), term_2()), not_equal(term_3(), term_4()),
not_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c != |d - e| or a ** b ** c != -f(5, X + 3) or |d - e| != -f(5, X + 3)");
// Implies + compare
assert!(implies_right(greater(term_1(), term_2()), greater(term_3(), term_4())),
"(a + b) * c > |d - e| -> a ** b ** c > -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(implies_right(less(term_1(), term_2()), less(term_3(), term_4())),
"(a + b) * c < |d - e| -> a ** b ** c < -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(implies_right(less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()), less_or_equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"(a + b) * c <= |d - e| -> a ** b ** c <= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(implies_right(greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()),
greater_or_equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"(a + b) * c >= |d - e| -> a ** b ** c >= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(implies_right(equal(term_1(), term_2()), equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"(a + b) * c = |d - e| -> a ** b ** c = -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(implies_right(not_equal(term_1(), term_2()), not_equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"(a + b) * c != |d - e| -> a ** b ** c != -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(implies_left(greater(term_1(), term_2()), greater(term_3(), term_4())),
"a ** b ** c > -f(5, X + 3) <- (a + b) * c > |d - e|");
assert!(implies_left(less(term_1(), term_2()), less(term_3(), term_4())),
"a ** b ** c < -f(5, X + 3) <- (a + b) * c < |d - e|");
assert!(implies_left(less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()), less_or_equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"a ** b ** c <= -f(5, X + 3) <- (a + b) * c <= |d - e|");
assert!(implies_left(greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()),
greater_or_equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"a ** b ** c >= -f(5, X + 3) <- (a + b) * c >= |d - e|");
assert!(implies_left(equal(term_1(), term_2()), equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"a ** b ** c = -f(5, X + 3) <- (a + b) * c = |d - e|");
assert!(implies_left(not_equal(term_1(), term_2()), not_equal(term_3(), term_4())),
"a ** b ** c != -f(5, X + 3) <- (a + b) * c != |d - e|");
// If and only if + compare
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![greater(term_1(), term_2()), greater(term_3(), term_4()),
greater(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c > |d - e| <-> a ** b ** c > -f(5, X + 3) <-> |d - e| > -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![less(term_1(), term_2()), less(term_3(), term_4()),
less(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c < |d - e| <-> a ** b ** c < -f(5, X + 3) <-> |d - e| < -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![less_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()),
less_or_equal(term_3(), term_4()), less_or_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c <= |d - e| <-> a ** b ** c <= -f(5, X + 3) <-> |d - e| <= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![greater_or_equal(term_1(), term_2()),
greater_or_equal(term_3(), term_4()), greater_or_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c >= |d - e| <-> a ** b ** c >= -f(5, X + 3) <-> |d - e| >= -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![equal(term_1(), term_2()), equal(term_3(), term_4()),
equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c = |d - e| <-> a ** b ** c = -f(5, X + 3) <-> |d - e| = -f(5, X + 3)");
assert!(if_and_only_if(vec![not_equal(term_1(), term_2()), not_equal(term_3(), term_4()),
not_equal(term_2(), term_4())]),
"(a + b) * c != |d - e| <-> a ** b ** c != -f(5, X + 3) <-> |d - e| != -f(5, X + 3)");
fn format_combinations_not()
// Not + not
assert!(not(not(p())), "not not p");
// Quantified formulas + not
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(not(p()))), "exists X not p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(not(p()))), "forall X not p");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(not(p()))), "exists X, Y, Z not p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(not(p()))), "forall X, Y, Z not p");
// And + not
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(not(p()))]), "not p");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(not(p())), i(not(q())), i(not(r()))]),
"not p and not q and not r");
// Or + not
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(not(p()))]), "not p");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(not(p())), i(not(q())), i(not(r()))]), "not p or not q or not r");
// Implies + not
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(not(p())), i(not(q()))), "not p -> not q");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(not(p())), i(not(q()))), "not q <- not p");
// If and only if + not
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(not(p()))]), "not p");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(not(p())), i(not(q())), i(not(r()))]),
"not p <-> not q <-> not r");
fn format_combinations_quantified_formula()
// Not + quantified formula
assert_all!(i, not(exists(xyz(), i(p()))), "not exists X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, not(for_all(xyz(), i(p()))), "not forall X, Y, Z p");
// Quantified formula + quantified formula
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(exists(vec![y()], p()))), "exists X exists Y p");
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(for_all(vec![y()], p()))), "exists X forall Y p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(exists(vec![y()], p()))), "forall X exists Y p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(for_all(vec![y()], p()))), "forall X forall Y p");
assert_all!(i, exists(x1y1z1(), i(exists(x2y2z2(), p()))),
"exists X1, Y1, Z1 exists X2, Y2, Z2 p");
assert_all!(i, exists(x1y1z1(), i(for_all(x2y2z2(), p()))),
"exists X1, Y1, Z1 forall X2, Y2, Z2 p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(x1y1z1(), i(exists(x2y2z2(), p()))),
"forall X1, Y1, Z1 exists X2, Y2, Z2 p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(x1y1z1(), i(for_all(x2y2z2(), p()))),
"forall X1, Y1, Z1 forall X2, Y2, Z2 p");
// And + quantified formula
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(exists(xyz(), p()))]), "exists X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(for_all(xyz(), p()))]), "forall X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(exists(x1y1z1(), p())), i(exists(x2y2z2(), q())),
i(exists(x3y3z3(), r()))]),
"exists X1, Y1, Z1 p and exists X2, Y2, Z2 q and exists X3, Y3, Z3 r");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(for_all(x1y1z1(), p())), i(for_all(x2y2z2(), q())),
i(for_all(x3y3z3(), r()))]),
"forall X1, Y1, Z1 p and forall X2, Y2, Z2 q and forall X3, Y3, Z3 r");
// Or + quantified formula
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(exists(xyz(), p()))]), "exists X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(for_all(xyz(), p()))]), "forall X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(exists(x1y1z1(), p())), i(exists(x2y2z2(), q())),
i(exists(x3y3z3(), r()))]),
"exists X1, Y1, Z1 p or exists X2, Y2, Z2 q or exists X3, Y3, Z3 r");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(for_all(x1y1z1(), p())), i(for_all(x2y2z2(), q())),
i(for_all(x3y3z3(), r()))]),
"forall X1, Y1, Z1 p or forall X2, Y2, Z2 q or forall X3, Y3, Z3 r");
// Implies + quantified formula
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(exists(x1y1z1(), p())), i(exists(x2y2z2(), q()))),
"exists X1, Y1, Z1 p -> exists X2, Y2, Z2 q");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(exists(x1y1z1(), p())), i(exists(x2y2z2(), q()))),
"exists X2, Y2, Z2 q <- exists X1, Y1, Z1 p");
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(for_all(x1y1z1(), p())), i(for_all(x2y2z2(), q()))),
"forall X1, Y1, Z1 p -> forall X2, Y2, Z2 q");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(for_all(x1y1z1(), p())), i(for_all(x2y2z2(), q()))),
"forall X2, Y2, Z2 q <- forall X1, Y1, Z1 p");
// If and only if + quantified formula
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(exists(x1y1z1(), p()))]), "exists X1, Y1, Z1 p");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(for_all(x1y1z1(), p()))]), "forall X1, Y1, Z1 p");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(exists(x1y1z1(), p())), i(exists(x2y2z2(), q())),
i(exists(x3y3z3(), r()))]),
"exists X1, Y1, Z1 p <-> exists X2, Y2, Z2 q <-> exists X3, Y3, Z3 r");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(for_all(x1y1z1(), p())), i(for_all(x2y2z2(), q())),
i(for_all(x3y3z3(), r()))]),
"forall X1, Y1, Z1 p <-> forall X2, Y2, Z2 q <-> forall X3, Y3, Z3 r");
fn format_combinations_and()
// Not + and
assert_all!(i, not(i(and(vec![p()]))), "not p");
assert_all!(i, not(i(and(pqr()))), "not (p and q and r)");
// Quantified formula + and
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(and(vec![p()]))), "exists X p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(and(vec![p()]))), "forall X p");
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(and(pqr()))), "exists X (p and q and r)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(and(pqr()))), "forall X (p and q and r)");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(and(vec![p()]))), "exists X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(and(vec![p()]))), "forall X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(and(pqr()))), "exists X, Y, Z (p and q and r)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(and(pqr()))), "forall X, Y, Z (p and q and r)");
// And + and
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(and(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(and(pqr()))]), "p and q and r");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(and(vec![p()])), i(and(vec![q()])), i(and(vec![r()]))]),
"p and q and r");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(and(p1q1r1())), i(and(p2q2r2())), i(and(p3q3r3()))]),
"p1 and q1 and r1 and p2 and q2 and r2 and p3 and q3 and r3");
// Or + and
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(and(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(and(pqr()))]), "p and q and r");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(and(vec![p()])), i(and(vec![q()])), i(and(vec![r()]))]),
"p or q or r");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(and(p1q1r1())), i(and(p2q2r2())), i(and(p3q3r3()))]),
"p1 and q1 and r1 or p2 and q2 and r2 or p3 and q3 and r3");
// Implies + and
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(and(vec![p()])), i(and(vec![q()]))), "p -> q");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(and(vec![p()])), i(and(vec![q()]))), "q <- p");
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(and(p1q1r1())), i(and(p2q2r2()))),
"p1 and q1 and r1 -> p2 and q2 and r2");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(and(p1q1r1())), i(and(p2q2r2()))),
"p2 and q2 and r2 <- p1 and q1 and r1");
// If and only if + and
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(and(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(and(pqr()))]), "p and q and r");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(and(vec![p()])), i(and(vec![q()])),
"p <-> q <-> r");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(and(p1q1r1())), i(and(p2q2r2())), i(and(p3q3r3()))]),
"p1 and q1 and r1 <-> p2 and q2 and r2 <-> p3 and q3 and r3");
fn format_combinations_or()
// Not + or
assert_all!(i, not(i(or(vec![p()]))), "not p");
assert_all!(i, not(i(or(pqr()))), "not (p or q or r)");
// Quantified formula + or
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(or(vec![p()]))), "exists X p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(or(vec![p()]))), "forall X p");
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(or(pqr()))), "exists X (p or q or r)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(or(pqr()))), "forall X (p or q or r)");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(or(vec![p()]))), "exists X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(or(vec![p()]))), "forall X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(or(pqr()))), "exists X, Y, Z (p or q or r)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(or(pqr()))), "forall X, Y, Z (p or q or r)");
// And + or
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(or(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(or(pqr()))]), "p or q or r");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(or(vec![p()])), i(or(vec![q()])), i(or(vec![r()]))]),
"p and q and r");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(or(p1q1r1())), i(or(p2q2r2())), i(or(p3q3r3()))]),
"(p1 or q1 or r1) and (p2 or q2 or r2) and (p3 or q3 or r3)");
// Or + or
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(or(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(or(pqr()))]), "p or q or r");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(or(vec![p()])), i(or(vec![q()])), i(or(vec![r()]))]),
"p or q or r");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(or(p1q1r1())), i(or(p2q2r2())), i(or(p3q3r3()))]),
"p1 or q1 or r1 or p2 or q2 or r2 or p3 or q3 or r3");
// Implies + or
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(or(vec![p()])), i(or(vec![q()]))), "p -> q");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(or(vec![p()])), i(or(vec![q()]))), "q <- p");
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(or(p1q1r1())), i(or(p2q2r2()))),
"p1 or q1 or r1 -> p2 or q2 or r2");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(or(p1q1r1())), i(or(p2q2r2()))),
"p2 or q2 or r2 <- p1 or q1 or r1");
// If and only if + or
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(or(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(or(pqr()))]), "p or q or r");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(or(vec![p()])), i(or(vec![q()])), i(or(vec![r()]))]),
"p <-> q <-> r");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(or(p1q1r1())), i(or(p2q2r2())), i(or(p3q3r3()))]),
"p1 or q1 or r1 <-> p2 or q2 or r2 <-> p3 or q3 or r3");
fn format_combinations_implies()
// Not + implies
assert_all!(i, not(i(implies_right(p(), q()))), "not (p -> q)");
assert_all!(i, not(i(implies_left(p(), q()))), "not (q <- p)");
// Quantified formula + implies
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(implies_right(p(), q()))), "exists X (p -> q)");
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(implies_left(p(), q()))), "exists X (q <- p)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(implies_right(p(), q()))), "forall X (p -> q)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(implies_left(p(), q()))), "forall X (q <- p)");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(implies_right(p(), q()))), "exists X, Y, Z (p -> q)");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(implies_left(p(), q()))), "exists X, Y, Z (q <- p)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(implies_right(p(), q()))), "forall X, Y, Z (p -> q)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(implies_left(p(), q()))), "forall X, Y, Z (q <- p)");
// And + implies
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(implies_right(p(), q()))]), "p -> q");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(implies_left(p(), q()))]), "q <- p");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(implies_right(p1(), q1())), i(implies_right(p2(), q2())),
i(implies_right(p3(), q3()))]),
"(p1 -> q1) and (p2 -> q2) and (p3 -> q3)");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(implies_left(p1(), q1())), i(implies_left(p2(), q2())),
i(implies_left(p3(), q3()))]),
"(q1 <- p1) and (q2 <- p2) and (q3 <- p3)");
// Or + implies
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(implies_right(p(), q()))]), "p -> q");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(implies_left(p(), q()))]), "q <- p");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(implies_right(p1(), q1())), i(implies_right(p2(), q2())),
i(implies_right(p3(), q3()))]),
"(p1 -> q1) or (p2 -> q2) or (p3 -> q3)");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(implies_left(p1(), q1())), i(implies_left(p2(), q2())),
i(implies_left(p3(), q3()))]),
"(q1 <- p1) or (q2 <- p2) or (q3 <- p3)");
// Implies + implies
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(implies_right(p1(), q1())), i(implies_right(p2(), q2()))),
"(p1 -> q1) -> p2 -> q2");
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(implies_left(p1(), q1())), i(implies_left(p2(), q2()))),
"(q1 <- p1) -> (q2 <- p2)");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(implies_right(p1(), q1())), i(implies_right(p2(), q2()))),
"(p2 -> q2) <- (p1 -> q1)");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(implies_left(p1(), q1())), i(implies_left(p2(), q2()))),
"q2 <- p2 <- (q1 <- p1)");
// If and only if + implies
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(implies_right(p(), q()))]), "p -> q");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(implies_left(p(), q()))]), "q <- p");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(implies_right(p1(), q1())),
i(implies_right(p2(), q2())), i(implies_right(p3(), q3()))]),
"p1 -> q1 <-> p2 -> q2 <-> p3 -> q3");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(implies_left(p1(), q1())), i(implies_left(p2(), q2())),
i(implies_left(p3(), q3()))]),
"q1 <- p1 <-> q2 <- p2 <-> q3 <- p3");
fn format_combinations_if_and_only_if()
// Not + if and only if
assert_all!(i, not(i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))), "not p");
assert_all!(i, not(i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))), "not (p <-> q <-> r)");
// Quantified formula + if and only if
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))), "exists X p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))), "forall X p");
assert_all!(i, exists(vec![x()], i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))), "exists X (p <-> q <-> r)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(vec![x()], i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))), "forall X (p <-> q <-> r)");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))), "exists X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))), "forall X, Y, Z p");
assert_all!(i, exists(xyz(), i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))), "exists X, Y, Z (p <-> q <-> r)");
assert_all!(i, for_all(xyz(), i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))), "forall X, Y, Z (p <-> q <-> r)");
// And + if and only if
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))]), "p <-> q <-> r");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()])), i(if_and_only_if(vec![q()])),
"p and q and r");
assert_all!(i, and(vec![i(if_and_only_if(p1q1r1())), i(if_and_only_if(p2q2r2())),
"(p1 <-> q1 <-> r1) and (p2 <-> q2 <-> r2) and (p3 <-> q3 <-> r3)");
// Or + if and only if
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))]), "p <-> q <-> r");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()])), i(if_and_only_if(vec![q()])),
"p or q or r");
assert_all!(i, or(vec![i(if_and_only_if(p1q1r1())), i(if_and_only_if(p2q2r2())),
"(p1 <-> q1 <-> r1) or (p2 <-> q2 <-> r2) or (p3 <-> q3 <-> r3)");
// Implies + if and only if
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()])), i(if_and_only_if(vec![q()]))),
"p -> q");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()])), i(if_and_only_if(vec![q()]))),
"q <- p");
assert_all!(i, implies_right(i(if_and_only_if(p1q1r1())), i(if_and_only_if(p2q2r2()))),
"(p1 <-> q1 <-> r1) -> (p2 <-> q2 <-> r2)");
assert_all!(i, implies_left(i(if_and_only_if(p1q1r1())), i(if_and_only_if(p2q2r2()))),
"(p2 <-> q2 <-> r2) <- (p1 <-> q1 <-> r1)");
// If and only if + if and only if
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()]))]), "p");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(if_and_only_if(pqr()))]), "p <-> q <-> r");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(if_and_only_if(vec![p()])),
i(if_and_only_if(vec![q()])), i(if_and_only_if(vec![r()]))]),
"p <-> q <-> r");
assert_all!(i, if_and_only_if(vec![i(if_and_only_if(p1q1r1())), i(if_and_only_if(p2q2r2())),
"(p1 <-> q1 <-> r1) <-> (p2 <-> q2 <-> r2) <-> (p3 <-> q3 <-> r3)");