#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "base64" require "io/console" require "socket" class ClientError < StandardError def initialize(message) super(message) end end class ClientScriptError < StandardError def initialize(source) super(source.message) @source = source end def source @source end end $original_stdin = $stdin.dup $original_stdout = $stdout.dup $original_stderr = $stderr.dup $runtime_directory = "/run/github-fast-env" control_socket_path = "#{$runtime_directory}/github-fast-envd.sock" if File.exist?(control_socket_path) and File.socket?(control_socket_path) File.unlink(control_socket_path) end $original_stderr.puts "creating control socket" control_server = UNIXServer.new(control_socket_path) File.chmod 0700, control_socket_path connection_id = 0 def open_pipe(path) if File.exist?(path) and File.pipe?(path) File.unlink(path) end File.mkfifo(path, mode = 0600) path end def read_command(control_socket) ready_ios = IO.select([control_socket], [], [], 10) if not ready_ios log "error", "timeout while communicating with github-fast-envd" exit 1 end response = control_socket.readline.strip.split(" ", 2) if response.empty? log "error", "malformed response from github-fast-envd" exit 1 end command = response[0] if command == "error" if response.length < 2 log "error", "malformed error response from github-fast-envd" exit 1 end error_message = response[1] log "error", "#{error_message}" exit 1 end arguments = response[1].nil? ? [] : response[1].split(" ") return command, arguments end def set_up_named_pipes(control_socket, connection_id) pipe_base_path = "/#{$runtime_directory}/github-fast-envd.#{connection_id}" pipe_base_path_encoded = Base64.encode64(pipe_base_path).delete("\n") stdin = open_pipe("#{pipe_base_path}.stdin") stdout = open_pipe("#{pipe_base_path}.stdout") stderr = open_pipe("#{pipe_base_path}.stderr") # TODO: support script arguments control_socket.puts "named-pipes #{pipe_base_path_encoded}" stdin = File.open(stdin, "r") stdin.sync = true stdout = File.open(stdout, "w") stdout.sync = true stderr = File.open(stderr, "w") stderr.sync = true $original_stderr.puts " set up named pipes" control_socket.puts "ready" response = control_socket.readline.strip if response != "ready" raise ClientError.new "invalid command" Kernel.exit! end $stdin.reopen(stdin) $stdout.reopen(stdout) $stderr.reopen(stderr) end def clean_up_named_pipes(control_socket, connection_id) pipe_base_path = "/#{$runtime_directory}/github-fast-envd.#{connection_id}" if File.exist?("#{pipe_base_path}.stdin") File.delete("#{pipe_base_path}.stdin") end if File.exist?("#{pipe_base_path}.stdout") File.delete("#{pipe_base_path}.stdout") end if File.exist?("#{pipe_base_path}.stderr") File.delete("#{pipe_base_path}.stderr") end end def set_up_pseudoterminal(control_socket, pseudoterminal_path) $pseudoterminal_io = File.open(pseudoterminal_path, File::RDWR | File::NOCTTY) $pseudoterminal_io.sync = true #$pseudoterminal_io.raw! $pseudoterminal_io.cooked! $original_stderr.puts " connecting to pseudoterminal #{pseudoterminal_path}" $stdin.reopen($pseudoterminal_io) $stdout.reopen($pseudoterminal_io) $stderr.reopen($pseudoterminal_io) $original_stderr.puts " connected to pseudoterminal #{pseudoterminal_path}" control_socket.puts "ready" end $original_stderr.puts "preloading common modules" load "/usr/lib/github-fast-env/preload.rb" $original_stderr.puts "ready to serve requests" while true control_socket = control_server.accept $original_stderr.puts "- new connection" begin command, arguments = read_command(control_socket) if command != "new" raise ClientError.new "unexpected command" end if arguments.empty? raise ClientError.new "malformed command" end protocol_version = arguments[0] if protocol_version != "v1" raise ClientError.new "unsupported protocol version (#{protocol_version})" end mode = arguments[1] if mode == "named-pipes" if arguments.length < 4 raise ClientError.new "malformed command" end elsif mode == "pseudoterminal" if arguments.length < 5 raise ClientError.new "malformed command" end pseudoterminal_path = Base64.decode64(arguments[2]) else raise ClientError.new "unknown mode (#{mode})" end working_directory = Base64.decode64(arguments[-2]) script_path = Base64.decode64(arguments[-1]) connection_id += 1 child_process = fork { Dir.chdir(working_directory) do process_id = Process.pid control_socket.puts "pid #{process_id}" exit_code = "unknown" if mode == "named-pipes" set_up_named_pipes(control_socket, connection_id) else set_up_pseudoterminal(control_socket, pseudoterminal_path) end $original_stderr.puts " executing script #{script_path} (#{process_id})" begin begin load script_path, true $original_stderr.puts " finished executing script" rescue SystemExit => error $original_stderr.puts " exit code: #{error.status}" exit_code = error.status rescue StandardError => error $original_stderr.puts " error executing script" $stdin = $original_stdin $stdout = $original_stdout $stderr = $original_stderr raise ClientScriptError.new error end rescue ClientScriptError => error encoded_error_output = Base64.encode64(error.source.full_message).delete("\n") $original_stderr.puts " error executing script, ignoring request" begin control_socket.puts "script_error #{encoded_error_output}" rescue end rescue ClientError => error $original_stderr.puts " error communicating with client, ignoring request (#{error})" begin control_socket.puts "error #{error}" rescue end rescue StandardError => error $original_stderr.puts " error, ignoring request (#{error})" begin control_socket.puts "error internal server error" rescue end end begin # TODO: submit correct exit code upon Ctrl + C control_socket.puts "done #{exit_code}" rescue end control_socket.close if mode == "named-pipes" clean_up_named_pipes(control_socket, connection_id) end $original_stderr.puts " finished handling request (#{process_id})" if $pseudoterminal_io $pseudoterminal_io.close end end } Process.detach(child_process) rescue ClientError => error $original_stderr.puts " error communicating with client, ignoring request (#{error})" begin control_socket.puts "error #{error}" rescue end rescue StandardError => error $original_stderr.puts " error, ignoring request (#{error})" begin control_socket.puts "error internal server error" rescue end end control_socket.close end