
110 lines
2.1 KiB

cfma Cgroundfma(Sfma *,int *);
void Cgroundfmalist(Sfmalist *fs,int *ptr,int *b) {
while(fs != NULL) {
*(ptr++) = Cgroundfma(fs->hd,b);
fs = fs->tl;
cfma Cgroundfma(Sfma *sf,int *b) {
int *vals;
int i,cnt;
Sfmalist *fs;
cfma f;
switch(Sfmatypeof(sf)) {
case STRUE: return cTRUE;
case SFALSE: return cFALSE;
case Sconj:
f = (cfma)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (sf->cnt + 1));
f[0] = 1+(sf->cnt << 1);
return f;
case Sdisj:
f = (cfma)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (sf->cnt + 1));
f[0] = (sf->cnt << 1);
return f;
case Seq:
if(bvalue(sf->p1,b) == bvalue(sf->p2,b)) {
return cTRUE;
} else {
return cFALSE;
case Sneq:
if(bvalue(sf->p1,b) == bvalue(sf->p2,b)) {
return cFALSE;
} else {
return cTRUE;
case Spatom: return cPATOM(atomindex(sf->a,b));
case Snatom: return cNATOM(atomindex(sf->a,b));
case Sforall: /* Iterate over all values of the variable. */
cnt = getdomainsize(sf->ss->t);
f = (cfma)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (cnt + 1));
f[0] = (cnt << 1) + 1;
vals = getdomain(sf->ss->t);
for(i=0;i<cnt;i++) {
b[-1-sf->ss->v] = vals[i];
f[i+1] = Cgroundfma(sf->f,b);
return f;
case Sforsome: /* Iterate over all values of the variable. */
cnt = getdomainsize(sf->ss->t);
f = (cfma)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (cnt + 1));
f[0] = (cnt << 1);
vals = getdomain(sf->ss->t);
for(i=0;i<cnt;i++) {
b[-1-sf->ss->v] = vals[i];
f[i+1] = Cgroundfma(sf->f,b);
return f;
void printcfma(cfma f) {
int i;
if(((int)f)&1) { /* Atom */
switch(((int)f)&7) {
case cTRUEtag: printf("TRUE"); break;
case cFALSEtag: printf("FALSE"); break;
case cPATOMtag: printatomi((((int)f) >> 3)); break;
case cNATOMtag: printf("NOT "); printatomi((((int)f) >> 3)); break;
} else {
int cnt;
if(((int)(*f))&1) printf("(AND"); else printf("(OR");
cnt = ((int)(*f)) >> 1;
for(i=0;i<cnt;i++) {
printf(" ");