Benchmark generate-and-check planning #26

opened 2017-11-25 13:41:44 +01:00 by patrick · 0 comments

Javier has now finished implementing the generate-and-test planning strategy. Now, we need some representative benchmarks to evaluate it. If we have the time, this benchmark should be done on Rintanen’s instance set (see #16).

Javier has now finished implementing the generate-and-test planning strategy. Now, we need some representative benchmarks to evaluate it. If we have the time, this benchmark should be done on Rintanen’s instance set (see #16).
patrick added this to the Extended Paper for TPLP Journal milestone 2017-11-25 13:41:44 +01:00
patrick self-assigned this 2017-11-25 13:41:44 +01:00
patrick added the
labels 2017-11-25 13:41:44 +01:00
patrick changed title from Benchmark generate-and-test planning to Benchmark generate-and-check planning 2017-11-27 20:35:32 +01:00
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Reference: patrick/plasp#26
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