#include . % Check feature requirements :- requiresFeature(actionCosts, true). :- requiresFeature(axiomRules, true). #program base. % Establish initial state holds(Var, Val, 0) :- initialState(Var, Val). #program step(t). % Perform actions 1 {occurs(action(A), t) : action(A)} 1. % Check preconditions :- occurs(A, t), precondition(A, Var, Val), not holds(Var, Val, t - 1). % Apply effects caused(Var, Val, t) :- occurs(A, t), postcondition(A, Var, Val). modified(Var, t) :- caused(Var, Val, t). holds(Var, Val, t) :- caused(Var, Val, t). holds(Var, Val, t) :- holds(Var, Val, t - 1), not modified(Var, t). % Check that variables without values are unique :- variable(V), Var = variable(V), not contains(Var, noneValue), not 1 {holds(Var, Val, t) : contains(Var, Val)} 1. :- contains(Var, noneValue), not {holds(Var, Val, t) : contains(Var, Val)} 1. % Check mutexes :- mutexGroup(M), not {holds(Var, Val, t) : contains(M, Var, Val)} 1. #program check(t). % Verify that goal is met :- query(t), goal(Var, Val), not holds(Var, Val, t). #show query/1. #show occurs/2.