;; PARC's modular printer domain ;; compiled into PDDL by Rong Zhou ;; To report a problem, send email to rzhou@parc.com ;; Papers: ;; 1. Planning for Modular Printers: Beyond Productivity ;; Minh B. Do, Wheeler Ruml, and Rong Zhou. ICAPS'08 ;; 2. On-line Planning and Scheduling: An Application to Controlling Modular Printers ;; Minh B. Do, Wheeler Ruml, and Rong Zhou. AAAI'08 ;; 3. On-line Planning and Scheduling for High-speed Manufacturing ;; Wheeler Ruml, Minh B. Do, and Markus P.J. Fromherz. ICAPS'05 (define (domain upp) (:requirements :typing :durative-actions) (:types size_t location_t side_t color_t image_t timepoint_t resource_t action_t sheet_t) (:constants Letter - size_t Black Color - color_t Front Back - side_t Some_Feeder_Tray Some_Finisher_Tray EndCap_Entry-BlackContainer_Exit HtmOverBlack_Entry-EndCap_Exit HtmOverBlack_Exit-Down_TopEntry ColorContainer_Entry-Down_BottomExit ColorContainer_ExitToIME-ColorPrinter_Entry ColorPrinter_Exit-ColorContainer_EntryFromIME ColorContainer_Exit-Up_BottomEntry Down_BottomEntry-ColorFeeder_Exit BlackContainer_Entry-BlackFeeder_Exit Down_TopExit-HtmOverColor_Entry HtmOverColor_Exit-Up_TopEntry BlackContainer_ExitToIME-BlackPrinter_Entry BlackPrinter_Exit-BlackContainer_EntryFromIME Finisher1_Entry-Up_TopExit Finisher2_Entry-Finisher1_Exit Finisher1_Tray Finisher2_Exit Finisher2_Tray - location_t ColorContainer-ToIME-Letter-T0 ColorPrinter-Simplex-Letter-T0 ColorPrinter-SimplexMono-Letter-T0 ColorFeeder-Feed-Letter-T0 BlackFeeder-Feed-Letter-T0 Down-MoveBottom-Letter-T1 Down-MoveDown-Letter-T1 BlackPrinter-Simplex-Letter-T0 BlackPrinter-SimplexAndInvert-Letter-T0 Up-MoveTop-Letter-T1 Up-MoveUp-Letter-T1 Finisher1-Stack-Letter-T0 Finisher2-Stack-Letter-T0 - timepoint_t ColorContainer_Roller-RSRC ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC ColorFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC BlackFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC Up_TopExitNip-RSRC Finisher1_EntryNip-RSRC Finisher2_EntryNip-RSRC - resource_t ColorContainer-ToIME-Letter ColorPrinter-Simplex-Letter ColorPrinter-SimplexMono-Letter ColorFeeder-Feed-Letter BlackFeeder-Feed-Letter Down-MoveBottom-Letter Down-MoveDown-Letter BlackPrinter-Simplex-Letter BlackPrinter-SimplexAndInvert-Letter Up-MoveTop-Letter Up-MoveUp-Letter Finisher1-Stack-Letter Finisher2-Stack-Letter - action_t ) (:predicates (Sheetsize ?sheet - sheet_t ?size - size_t) (Location ?sheet - sheet_t ?location - location_t) (Hasimage ?sheet - sheet_t ?side - side_t ?image - image_t) (Sideup ?sheet - sheet_t ?side - side_t) (Stackedin ?sheet - sheet_t ?location - location_t) (Imagecolor ?image - image_t ?color - color_t) (Notprintedwith ?sheet - sheet_t ?side - side_t ?color - color_t) (Oppositeside ?side1 - side_t ?side2 - side_t) (Timepoint ?sheet - sheet_t ?timepoint - timepoint_t) (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet - sheet_t ?action - action_t) (Available ?resource - resource_t) (Prevsheet ?sheet1 - sheet_t ?sheet2 - sheet_t) (Uninitialized) ) (:durative-action initialize :parameters () :duration (= ?duration 1) :condition (and (at start (Uninitialized))) :effect (and (at start (not (Uninitialized))) (at start (Available ColorContainer_Roller-RSRC)) (at start (Available ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC)) (at start (Available ColorFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC)) (at start (Available BlackFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC)) (at start (Available Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC)) (at start (Available BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC)) (at start (Available Up_TopExitNip-RSRC)) (at start (Available Finisher1_EntryNip-RSRC)) (at start (Available Finisher2_EntryNip-RSRC))) ) (:durative-action EndCap-Move-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet EndCap_Entry-BlackContainer_Exit))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet EndCap_Entry-BlackContainer_Exit))) (at end (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Entry-EndCap_Exit))) ) (:durative-action HtmOverBlack-Move-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 17999) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Entry-EndCap_Exit))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Entry-EndCap_Exit))) (at end (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Exit-Down_TopEntry))) ) (:durative-action ColorContainer-ToIME-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_Entry-Down_BottomExit)) (at start (Available ColorContainer_Roller-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_Entry-Down_BottomExit))) (at start (not (Available ColorContainer_Roller-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorContainer-ToIME-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_ExitToIME-ColorPrinter_Entry))) ) (:durative-action ColorContainer-ToIME-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 9999) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorContainer-ToIME-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available ColorContainer_Roller-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorContainer-ToIME-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action ColorContainer-FromIME-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet ColorPrinter_Exit-ColorContainer_EntryFromIME))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet ColorPrinter_Exit-ColorContainer_EntryFromIME))) (at end (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_Exit-Up_BottomEntry))) ) (:durative-action ColorPrinter-Simplex-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t ?face - side_t ?image - image_t) :duration (= ?duration 39040) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Sideup ?sheet ?face)) (at start (Imagecolor ?image Color)) (at start (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_ExitToIME-ColorPrinter_Entry)) (at start (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Color)) (at start (Available ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_ExitToIME-ColorPrinter_Entry))) (at start (not (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Color))) (at start (not (Available ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorPrinter-Simplex-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet ColorPrinter_Exit-ColorContainer_EntryFromIME)) (at end (Hasimage ?sheet ?face ?image))) ) (:durative-action ColorPrinter-Simplex-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 11999) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorPrinter-Simplex-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorPrinter-Simplex-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action ColorPrinter-SimplexMono-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t ?face - side_t ?image - image_t) :duration (= ?duration 39040) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Sideup ?sheet ?face)) (at start (Imagecolor ?image Black)) (at start (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_ExitToIME-ColorPrinter_Entry)) (at start (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Black)) (at start (Available ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_ExitToIME-ColorPrinter_Entry))) (at start (not (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Black))) (at start (not (Available ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorPrinter-SimplexMono-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet ColorPrinter_Exit-ColorContainer_EntryFromIME)) (at end (Hasimage ?sheet ?face ?image))) ) (:durative-action ColorPrinter-SimplexMono-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 11999) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorPrinter-SimplexMono-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available ColorPrinter_Drum-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorPrinter-SimplexMono-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action ColorFeeder-Feed-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Some_Feeder_Tray)) (at start (Available ColorFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Some_Feeder_Tray))) (at start (not (Available ColorFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorFeeder-Feed-Letter)) (at start (Sideup ?sheet Front)) (at end (Location ?sheet Down_BottomEntry-ColorFeeder_Exit))) ) (:durative-action ColorFeeder-Feed-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2158) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorFeeder-Feed-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available ColorFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet ColorFeeder-Feed-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action BlackFeeder-Feed-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Some_Feeder_Tray)) (at start (Available BlackFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Some_Feeder_Tray))) (at start (not (Available BlackFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackFeeder-Feed-Letter)) (at start (Sideup ?sheet Front)) (at end (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_Entry-BlackFeeder_Exit))) ) (:durative-action BlackFeeder-Feed-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2158) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackFeeder-Feed-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available BlackFeeder_ExitNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackFeeder-Feed-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action Down-MoveTop-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2999) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Exit-Down_TopEntry))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Exit-Down_TopEntry))) (at end (Location ?sheet Down_TopExit-HtmOverColor_Entry))) ) (:durative-action Down-MoveBottom-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2999) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Down_BottomEntry-ColorFeeder_Exit))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Down_BottomEntry-ColorFeeder_Exit))) (at end (Timepoint ?sheet Down-MoveBottom-Letter-T1))) ) (:durative-action Down-MoveBottom-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 1) :condition (and (at start (Timepoint ?sheet Down-MoveBottom-Letter-T1)) (at start (Available Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Timepoint ?sheet Down-MoveBottom-Letter-T1))) (at start (not (Available Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Down-MoveBottom-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_Entry-Down_BottomExit))) ) (:durative-action Down-MoveBottom-Letter-2 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2458) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Down-MoveBottom-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Down-MoveBottom-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action Down-MoveDown-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 9999) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Exit-Down_TopEntry))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet HtmOverBlack_Exit-Down_TopEntry))) (at end (Timepoint ?sheet Down-MoveDown-Letter-T1))) ) (:durative-action Down-MoveDown-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 1) :condition (and (at start (Timepoint ?sheet Down-MoveDown-Letter-T1)) (at start (Available Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Timepoint ?sheet Down-MoveDown-Letter-T1))) (at start (not (Available Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Down-MoveDown-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_Entry-Down_BottomExit))) ) (:durative-action Down-MoveDown-Letter-2 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2458) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Down-MoveDown-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available Down_BottomExitNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Down-MoveDown-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action HtmOverColor-Move-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 9999) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Down_TopExit-HtmOverColor_Entry))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Down_TopExit-HtmOverColor_Entry))) (at end (Location ?sheet HtmOverColor_Exit-Up_TopEntry))) ) (:durative-action BlackContainer-ToIME-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_Entry-BlackFeeder_Exit))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_Entry-BlackFeeder_Exit))) (at end (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_ExitToIME-BlackPrinter_Entry))) ) (:durative-action BlackContainer-FromIME-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet BlackPrinter_Exit-BlackContainer_EntryFromIME))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet BlackPrinter_Exit-BlackContainer_EntryFromIME))) (at end (Location ?sheet EndCap_Entry-BlackContainer_Exit))) ) (:durative-action BlackPrinter-Simplex-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t ?face - side_t ?image - image_t) :duration (= ?duration 13013) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Sideup ?sheet ?face)) (at start (Imagecolor ?image Black)) (at start (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_ExitToIME-BlackPrinter_Entry)) (at start (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Black)) (at start (Available BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_ExitToIME-BlackPrinter_Entry))) (at start (not (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Black))) (at start (not (Available BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackPrinter-Simplex-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet BlackPrinter_Exit-BlackContainer_EntryFromIME)) (at end (Hasimage ?sheet ?face ?image))) ) (:durative-action BlackPrinter-Simplex-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 4000) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackPrinter-Simplex-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackPrinter-Simplex-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action BlackPrinter-SimplexAndInvert-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t ?face - side_t ?otherface - side_t ?image - image_t) :duration (= ?duration 23013) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Oppositeside ?face ?otherface)) (at start (Imagecolor ?image Black)) (at start (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_ExitToIME-BlackPrinter_Entry)) (at start (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Black)) (at start (Sideup ?sheet ?face)) (at start (Available BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet BlackContainer_ExitToIME-BlackPrinter_Entry))) (at start (not (Notprintedwith ?sheet ?face Black))) (at start (not (Sideup ?sheet ?face))) (at start (not (Available BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackPrinter-SimplexAndInvert-Letter)) (at start (Sideup ?sheet ?otherface)) (at end (Location ?sheet BlackPrinter_Exit-BlackContainer_EntryFromIME)) (at end (Hasimage ?sheet ?face ?image))) ) (:durative-action BlackPrinter-SimplexAndInvert-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 4000) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackPrinter-SimplexAndInvert-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available BlackPrinter_Drum-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet BlackPrinter-SimplexAndInvert-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action Up-MoveTop-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2999) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet HtmOverColor_Exit-Up_TopEntry))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet HtmOverColor_Exit-Up_TopEntry))) (at end (Timepoint ?sheet Up-MoveTop-Letter-T1))) ) (:durative-action Up-MoveTop-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 1) :condition (and (at start (Timepoint ?sheet Up-MoveTop-Letter-T1)) (at start (Available Up_TopExitNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Timepoint ?sheet Up-MoveTop-Letter-T1))) (at start (not (Available Up_TopExitNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Up-MoveTop-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet Finisher1_Entry-Up_TopExit))) ) (:durative-action Up-MoveTop-Letter-2 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2458) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Up-MoveTop-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available Up_TopExitNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Up-MoveTop-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action Up-MoveUp-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 9999) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_Exit-Up_BottomEntry))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet ColorContainer_Exit-Up_BottomEntry))) (at end (Timepoint ?sheet Up-MoveUp-Letter-T1))) ) (:durative-action Up-MoveUp-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 1) :condition (and (at start (Timepoint ?sheet Up-MoveUp-Letter-T1)) (at start (Available Up_TopExitNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Timepoint ?sheet Up-MoveUp-Letter-T1))) (at start (not (Available Up_TopExitNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Up-MoveUp-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet Finisher1_Entry-Up_TopExit))) ) (:durative-action Up-MoveUp-Letter-2 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2458) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Up-MoveUp-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available Up_TopExitNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Up-MoveUp-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action Finisher1-PassThrough-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Finisher1_Entry-Up_TopExit))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Finisher1_Entry-Up_TopExit))) (at end (Location ?sheet Finisher2_Entry-Finisher1_Exit))) ) (:durative-action Finisher1-Stack-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t ?prevsheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Prevsheet ?sheet ?prevsheet)) (at start (Location ?prevsheet Some_Finisher_Tray)) (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Finisher1_Entry-Up_TopExit)) (at start (Available Finisher1_EntryNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Finisher1_Entry-Up_TopExit))) (at start (not (Available Finisher1_EntryNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Finisher1-Stack-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet Some_Finisher_Tray)) (at end (Stackedin ?sheet Finisher1_Tray))) ) (:durative-action Finisher1-Stack-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2158) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Finisher1-Stack-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available Finisher1_EntryNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Finisher1-Stack-Letter)))) ) (:durative-action Finisher2-PassThrough-Letter :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Finisher2_Entry-Finisher1_Exit))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Finisher2_Entry-Finisher1_Exit))) (at end (Location ?sheet Finisher2_Exit))) ) (:durative-action Finisher2-Stack-Letter-0 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t ?prevsheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 8000) :condition (and (at start (Prevsheet ?sheet ?prevsheet)) (at start (Location ?prevsheet Some_Finisher_Tray)) (at start (Sheetsize ?sheet Letter)) (at start (Location ?sheet Finisher2_Entry-Finisher1_Exit)) (at start (Available Finisher2_EntryNip-RSRC))) :effect (and (at start (not (Location ?sheet Finisher2_Entry-Finisher1_Exit))) (at start (not (Available Finisher2_EntryNip-RSRC))) (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Finisher2-Stack-Letter)) (at end (Location ?sheet Some_Finisher_Tray)) (at end (Stackedin ?sheet Finisher2_Tray))) ) (:durative-action Finisher2-Stack-Letter-1 :parameters ( ?sheet - sheet_t) :duration (= ?duration 2158) :condition (and (at start (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Finisher2-Stack-Letter))) :effect (and (at end (Available Finisher2_EntryNip-RSRC)) (at end (not (Hasallrsrcs ?sheet Finisher2-Stack-Letter)))) ) )