# plasp [![GitHub Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/potassco/plasp.svg?maxAge=3600)](https://github.com/potassco/plasp/releases) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/potassco/plasp/master.svg?maxAge=3600&label=build%20%28master%29)](https://travis-ci.org/potassco/plasp?branch=master) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/potassco/plasp/develop.svg?maxAge=3600&label=build%20%28develop%29)](https://travis-ci.org/potassco/plasp?branch=develop) > ASP planning tools for PDDL ## Overview `plasp` is a tool collection for planning in [*answer set programming*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Answer_set_programming). `plasp` 3 supports the input languages [PDDL 3.1](https://helios.hud.ac.uk/scommv/IPC-14/software.html) (except for advanced features such as durative actions, numerical fluents, and preferences) and [SAS](http://www.fast-downward.org/TranslatorOutputFormat) (full support of SAS 3), which is used by [Fast Downward](http://www.fast-downward.org/). The most notable tool provided by `plasp` is `plasp translate`, which translates PDDL descriptions to ASP facts. ## Translating PDDL to ASP Facts PDDL instances are translated to ASP facts as follows: ```sh plasp translate domain.pddl problem.pddl ``` Alternatively, PDDL instances may first be translated to SAS, the output format of [Fast Downward](http://www.fast-downward.org/). ```sh ./fast-downward.py --translate --build=release64 domain.pddl problem.pddl ``` This creates a file called `output.sas`, which may now be translated by `plasp` as well. ```sh plasp translate output.sas ``` ### Solving the Translated Instance The translated instance can finally be solved incrementally with `clingo` and a meta encoding, for instance, [`sequential-incremental.lp`](encodings/sequential-incremental.lp): ```sh plasp translate domain.pddl problem.pddl > instance.lp clingo encodings/sequential-incremental.lp instance.lp ``` ### Translator Output Format `plasp translate` provides a uniform output format for SAS and PDDL input problems. See [output format](doc/output-format.md) for more details. If you want to write your own meta encoding for `plasp translate`’s output, this [simple example encoding](encodings/sequential-incremental.lp) gets you started. ## Provided Tools ```sh plasp [