216 lines
8.5 KiB
216 lines
8.5 KiB
INFO Running translator.
INFO translator input: ['/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2004/domains/psr-small-strips/domains/domain-48.pddl', '/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2004/domains/psr-small-strips/instances/instance-48.pddl']
INFO translator arguments: []
INFO translator time limit: None
INFO translator memory limit: None
INFO callstring: /home/pluehne/.usr/bin/python /home/wv/bin/linux/64/fast-downward-10997/builds/release64/bin/translate/translate.py /home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2004/domains/psr-small-strips/domains/domain-48.pddl /home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2004/domains/psr-small-strips/instances/instance-48.pddl
Parsing: [0.190s CPU, 0.188s wall-clock]
Normalizing task... [0.020s CPU, 0.022s wall-clock]
Generating Datalog program... [0.020s CPU, 0.017s wall-clock]
Normalizing Datalog program...
Normalizing Datalog program: [0.040s CPU, 0.049s wall-clock]
Preparing model... [0.050s CPU, 0.042s wall-clock]
Generated 444 rules.
Computing model... [0.020s CPU, 0.022s wall-clock]
279 relevant atoms
0 auxiliary atoms
279 final queue length
475 total queue pushes
Completing instantiation... [0.030s CPU, 0.035s wall-clock]
Instantiating: [0.170s CPU, 0.169s wall-clock]
Computing fact groups...
Finding invariants...
84 initial candidates
Finding invariants: [2.310s CPU, 2.321s wall-clock]
Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock]
Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Collecting mutex groups... [0.010s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Choosing groups...
13 uncovered facts
Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock]
Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Computing fact groups: [2.320s CPU, 2.332s wall-clock]
Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock]
Building mutex information...
Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Translating task...
Processing axioms...
Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock]
Processing axioms: [0.010s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock]
Translating task: [0.060s CPU, 0.056s wall-clock]
69 effect conditions simplified
0 implied preconditions added
Detecting unreachable propositions...
0 operators removed
0 axioms removed
26 propositions removed
Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.030s CPU, 0.031s wall-clock]
Reordering and filtering variables...
36 of 39 variables necessary.
0 of 26 mutex groups necessary.
188 of 194 operators necessary.
0 of 0 axiom rules necessary.
Reordering and filtering variables: [0.020s CPU, 0.020s wall-clock]
Translator variables: 36
Translator derived variables: 0
Translator facts: 91
Translator goal facts: 19
Translator mutex groups: 0
Translator total mutex groups size: 0
Translator operators: 188
Translator axioms: 0
Translator task size: 1312
Translator peak memory: 39628 KB
Writing output... [0.030s CPU, 0.039s wall-clock]
Done! [2.840s CPU, 2.862s wall-clock]
planner.py version 0.0.1
Time: 0.04s
Memory: 51MB
Iteration 1
Queue: [(0,0,0,True), (1,5,0,True), (2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 0
Solving Time: 0.00s
Memory: 51MB (+0MB)
Iteration Time: 0.00s
Iteration 2
Queue: [(1,5,0,True), (2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 0
Expected Memory: 51MB
Grounding... [('step', [1]), ('step', [2]), ('step', [3]), ('step', [4]), ('step', [5]), ('check', [5])]
Grounding Time: 0.02s
Memory: 52MB (+1MB)
Unblocking actions...
Solving Time: 0.00s
Memory: 53MB (+1MB)
Iteration Time: 0.03s
Iteration 3
Queue: [(2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 5
Expected Memory: 55.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [6]), ('step', [7]), ('step', [8]), ('step', [9]), ('step', [10]), ('check', [10])]
Grounding Time: 0.02s
Memory: 54MB (+1MB)
Unblocking actions...
Solving Time: 0.01s
Memory: 54MB (+0MB)
Iteration Time: 0.03s
Iteration 4
Queue: [(3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 10
Expected Memory: 56.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [11]), ('step', [12]), ('step', [13]), ('step', [14]), ('step', [15]), ('check', [15])]
Grounding Time: 0.02s
Memory: 55MB (+1MB)
Unblocking actions...
Solving Time: 0.05s
Memory: 56MB (+1MB)
Iteration Time: 0.07s
Iteration 5
Queue: [(4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 15
Expected Memory: 58.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [16]), ('step', [17]), ('step', [18]), ('step', [19]), ('step', [20]), ('check', [20])]
Grounding Time: 0.02s
Memory: 57MB (+1MB)
Unblocking actions...
Solving Time: 0.71s
Memory: 60MB (+3MB)
Iteration Time: 0.73s
Iteration 6
Queue: [(5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 20
Expected Memory: 64.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [21]), ('step', [22]), ('step', [23]), ('step', [24]), ('step', [25]), ('check', [25])]
Grounding Time: 0.02s
Memory: 61MB (+1MB)
Unblocking actions...
Solving Time: 0.51s
Memory: 63MB (+2MB)
Testing Time: 0.06s
Memory: 66MB (+3MB)
Solving Time: 1.34s
Memory: 68MB (+2MB)
Iteration Time: 1.94s
Iteration 7
Queue: [(6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 25
Expected Memory: 72.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [26]), ('step', [27]), ('step', [28]), ('step', [29]), ('step', [30]), ('check', [30])]
Grounding Time: 0.03s
Memory: 68MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
Solving Time: 0.39s
Memory: 71MB (+3MB)
Testing Time: 0.00s
Memory: 71MB (+0MB)
Answer: 2
occurs(action("wait_cb3"),1) occurs(action("wait_cb3-condeff2-yes"),2) occurs(action("wait_cb3-condeff1-yes"),2) occurs(action("wait_cb3-condeff0-no-0"),2) occurs(action("wait_cb3-endof-condeffs"),3) occurs(action("wait_cb2"),4) occurs(action("wait_cb2-condeff0-yes"),5) occurs(action("wait_cb2-endof-condeffs"),6) occurs(action("wait_cb4"),7) occurs(action("wait_cb4-condeff1-yes"),8) occurs(action("wait_cb4-condeff0-no-0"),8) occurs(action("wait_cb4-endof-condeffs"),9) occurs(action("wait_cb1"),10) occurs(action("open-sd15"),11) occurs(action("open-sd18"),11) occurs(action("open-sd12"),11) occurs(action("open-sd5"),11) occurs(action("open-sd1"),11) occurs(action("close_cb2"),12) occurs(action("wait_cb2"),13) occurs(action("wait_cb2-condeff0-no-0"),14) occurs(action("wait_cb2-endof-condeffs"),15) occurs(action("close_cb3"),16) occurs(action("wait_cb3"),17) occurs(action("wait_cb3-condeff2-no-0"),18) occurs(action("wait_cb3-condeff1-no-0"),18) occurs(action("wait_cb3-condeff0-no-0"),18) occurs(action("wait_cb3-endof-condeffs"),19) occurs(action("close_cb4"),20) occurs(action("wait_cb4"),21) occurs(action("wait_cb4-condeff1-no-0"),22) occurs(action("wait_cb4-condeff0-no-0"),22) occurs(action("wait_cb4-endof-condeffs"),23) occurs(action("close_sd2"),24) occurs(action("close_sd2-condeff1-no-0"),25) occurs(action("close_sd2-condeff0-no-0"),25) occurs(action("close_sd2-endof-condeffs"),26) occurs(action("close_cb1"),27) occurs(action("wait_cb1"),28) occurs(action("close_cb1"),29) occurs(action("wait_cb1"),30)
Models : 1+
Calls : 8
Time : 3.245s (Solving: 2.98s 1st Model: 0.89s Unsat: 0.75s)
CPU Time : 3.244s
Choices : 54373 (Domain: 54373)
Conflicts : 21911 (Analyzed: 21907)
Restarts : 268 (Average: 81.74 Last: 71)
Model-Level : 164.0
Problems : 8 (Average Length: 18.25 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 21907 (Deleted: 15797)
Binary : 164 (Ratio: 0.75%)
Ternary : 135 (Ratio: 0.62%)
Conflict : 21907 (Average Length: 276.7 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 21907 (Average: 2.20 Max: 159 Sum: 48088)
Executed : 21880 (Average: 2.19 Max: 159 Sum: 47894 Ratio: 99.60%)
Bounded : 27 (Average: 7.19 Max: 20 Sum: 194 Ratio: 0.40%)
Rules : 21027 (Original: 20464)
Atoms : 5855
Bodies : 15412 (Original: 15098)
Count : 136 (Original: 261)
Equivalences : 3214 (Atom=Atom: 283 Body=Body: 0 Other: 2931)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 11704 (Eliminated: 0 Frozen: 5177)
Constraints : 70567 (Binary: 92.8% Ternary: 6.0% Other: 1.2%)
Memory Peak : 71MB
Max. Length : 30 steps
Sol. Length : 30 steps
Models : 2