
251 lines
7.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Madagascar 0.99999 01/02/2018 14:46:04 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS)
Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/tidybot-sequential-satisficing/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/tidybot-sequential-satisficing/instances/instance-20.pddlignoring --stats
ignoring --stats-iter
ignoring --verbose
-m 8192
Domain: tidybot
Problem: test
Parser: 131342 ground actions and 1888 state variables
Invariants: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25.23 secs
Goal: conjunctive
Simplified: 50348 ground actions and 653 state variables
Actions: STRIPS
Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30.38 secs (max SCC size 18)
Plan type: E-step
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 795 MB)
Horizon 0: 653 variables
0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 5: 264058 variables
5 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 10: 527463 variables
10 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1249 MB)
Horizon 15: 790868 variables
15 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 20: 1054273 variables
20 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1574 MB)
Horizon 25: 1317678 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 1606 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1807 MB)
Horizon 30: 1581083 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2025 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2057 MB)
Horizon 35: 1844488 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2290 MB)
Horizon 40: 2107893 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2538 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2570 MB)
Horizon 45: 2371298 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2834 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2866 MB)
Horizon 50: 2634703 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3146 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3178 MB)
Horizon 55: 2898108 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3473 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3505 MB)
Horizon 60: 3161513 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3816 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3848 MB)
Horizon 65: 3424918 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4175 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4207 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4239 MB)
Horizon 70: 3688323 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 4271 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4613 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4645 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4677 MB)
Horizon 75: 3951728 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5034 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5066 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5098 MB)
Horizon 80: 4215133 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5471 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5503 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5535 MB)
Horizon 85: 4478538 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 5567 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5956 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5988 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6020 MB)
Horizon 90: 4741943 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6424 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6456 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6488 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6520 MB)
Horizon 95: 5005348 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 6552 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6972 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7004 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7036 MB)
Horizon 100: 5268753 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7472 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7504 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7536 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7568 MB)
Horizon 105: 5532158 variables
ATTENTION: Horizon 110 will not be started: memory allocated 7568.22 MB limit 8192.00 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 7600 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7632 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7664 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7696 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7728 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7760 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7792 MB)
GC: 284.37 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 7824 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7856 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7888 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7920 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7952 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 7984 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 8016 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 8048 MB)
GC: 404.37 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 8080 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 8112 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 8144 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 8176 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 8208 MB)
ATTENTION: Memory bound 8192.00 MB reached, 8208.22 MB allocated
GC: 517.66 MB
25 UNSAT (8409 decisions 7808 conflicts)
GC: 461.56 MB
GC: 251.71 MB
GC: 301.75 MB
GC: 281.82 MB
GC: 233.51 MB
# statistics in YAML format
total: 898.42 # [s]
preprocessing: 58.00 # [s]
maxLearnedClauseLength: 375276
afterParsing: 131342
afterPreprocessing: 50348
afterParsing: 1888
afterPreprocessing: 653
maxSize: 18
found: false
- horizon: 0
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 653
- horizon: 5
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 264058
- horizon: 10
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 527463
- horizon: 15
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 790868
- horizon: 20
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 1054273
- horizon: 25
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 7808
decisions: 8409
variables: 1317678
- horizon: 30
result: unknown
conflicts: 13864
decisions: 15677
variables: 1581083
- horizon: 35
result: unknown
conflicts: 12546
decisions: 14872
variables: 1844488
- horizon: 40
result: unknown
conflicts: 11271
decisions: 14242
variables: 2107893
- horizon: 45
result: unknown
conflicts: 10147
decisions: 13335
variables: 2371298
- horizon: 50
result: unknown
conflicts: 9127
decisions: 12495
variables: 2634703
- horizon: 55
result: unknown
conflicts: 8225
decisions: 11733
variables: 2898108
- horizon: 60
result: unknown
conflicts: 7386
decisions: 10862
variables: 3161513
- horizon: 65
result: unknown
conflicts: 6668
decisions: 10115
variables: 3424918
- horizon: 70
result: unknown
conflicts: 6005
decisions: 9101
variables: 3688323
- horizon: 75
result: unknown
conflicts: 5404
decisions: 8384
variables: 3951728
- horizon: 80
result: unknown
conflicts: 4861
decisions: 7719
variables: 4215133
- horizon: 85
result: unknown
conflicts: 4387
decisions: 7366
variables: 4478538
- horizon: 90
result: unknown
conflicts: 3964
decisions: 6679
variables: 4741943
- horizon: 95
result: unknown
conflicts: 3546
decisions: 5978
variables: 5005348
- horizon: 100
result: unknown
conflicts: 3242
decisions: 5439
variables: 5268753
- horizon: 105
result: unknown
conflicts: 2881
decisions: 4951
variables: 5532158