Madagascar 0.99999 25/02/2015 09:46:27 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS) Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-1998/domains/mystery-round-1-strips/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-1998/domains/mystery-round-1-strips/instances/instance-14.pddlignoring --stats ignoring --verbose -m 8192 Domain: mystery-strips Problem: strips-mysty-x-14 Parser: 52506 ground actions and 1821 state variables Invariants: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.36 secs Goal: conjunctive Simplified: 45872 ground actions and 1601 state variables Actions: STRIPS Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2.18 secs (max SCC size 44) Plan type: E-step Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 470 MB) Horizon 0: 1601 variables 0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 5: 462971 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 713 MB) 5 UNSAT (11 decisions 7 conflicts) Horizon 10: 924341 variables Horizon 15: 1385711 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1220 MB) Horizon 20: 1847081 variables Horizon 25: 2308451 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1705 MB) Horizon 30: 2769821 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2004 MB) Horizon 35: 3231191 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2331 MB) Horizon 40: 3692561 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2685 MB) Horizon 45: 4153931 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3066 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3098 MB) Horizon 50: 4615301 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3507 MB) Horizon 55: 5076671 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3943 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3975 MB) Horizon 60: 5538041 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4438 MB) Horizon 65: 5999411 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4928 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4960 MB) Horizon 70: 6460781 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 4992 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5510 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5542 MB) Horizon 75: 6922151 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6087 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6119 MB) Horizon 80: 7383521 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6691 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6723 MB) Horizon 85: 7844891 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 6755 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7354 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7386 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7418 MB) Horizon 90: 8306261 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 8045 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 8077 MB) Horizon 95: 8767631 variables ATTENTION: Horizon 100 will not be started: memory allocated 8077.45 MB limit 8192.00 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 8109 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 8141 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 8173 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 8205 MB) ATTENTION: Memory bound 8192.00 MB reached, 8205.45 MB allocated GC: 178.41 MB SAT (4614 decisions 1759 conflicts) PLAN FOUND: 35 steps STEP 0.0: feast(excitement,lobster,baguette,quebec,bavaria) feast(intoxication,ham,lemon,quebec,bavaria) feast(rest,scallop,lettuce,quebec,bavaria) feast(triumph,pea,hotdog,surrey,quebec) overcome(abrasion-21,aesthetics,cucumber,jupiter,neptune) overcome(grief-6,learning,yogurt,jupiter,neptune) overcome(jealousy,achievement,potato,vulcan,jupiter) overcome(sciatica,curiosity,chocolate,vulcan,jupiter) STEP 0.1: feast(achievement,potato,shrimp,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(aesthetics,cucumber,mutton,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(curiosity,chocolate,wurst,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(learning,yogurt,flounder,pennsylvania,surrey) STEP 1.0: feast(excitement,baguette,scallop,quebec,bavaria) feast(intoxication,lemon,scallop,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(rest,lettuce,pistachio,arizona,pennsylvania) overcome(abrasion-5,achievement,shrimp,mars,vulcan) overcome(angina-12,learning,flounder,vulcan,jupiter) overcome(anxiety,triumph,hotdog,mars,vulcan) succumb(abrasion-21,aesthetics,mutton,jupiter,neptune) succumb(sciatica,curiosity,wurst,vulcan,jupiter) STEP 1.1: feast(achievement,shrimp,potato,pennsylvania,surrey) feast(curiosity,wurst,potato,alsace,arizona) feast(learning,flounder,scallion,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(triumph,hotdog,lobster,quebec,bavaria) STEP 2.0: feast(intoxication,scallop,scallion,surrey,quebec) overcome(prostatitis-23,rest,pistachio,vulcan,jupiter) succumb(anxiety,triumph,lobster,mars,vulcan) succumb(grief-6,learning,scallion,vulcan,jupiter) succumb(jealousy,achievement,potato,mars,vulcan) STEP 2.1: feast(achievement,potato,wurst,alsace,arizona) feast(learning,scallion,shrimp,pennsylvania,surrey) feast(triumph,lobster,baguette,surrey,quebec) STEP 3.0: feast(intoxication,scallion,shrimp,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(triumph,baguette,scallop,surrey,quebec) overcome(anxiety-25,rest,pistachio,mars,vulcan) overcome(sciatica,achievement,wurst,mars,vulcan) STEP 3.1: feast(rest,pistachio,lettuce,alsace,arizona) STEP 4: feast(intoxication,shrimp,potato,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(rest,lettuce,scallop,alsace,arizona) feast(triumph,scallop,lettuce,pennsylvania,surrey) STEP 5: feast(excitement,scallop,scallion,arizona,pennsylvania) feast(learning,shrimp,potato,alsace,arizona) succumb(prostatitis-23,rest,scallop,mars,vulcan) STEP 6.0: overcome(prostatitis-23,rest,scallop,mars,vulcan) STEP 6.1: feast(rest,scallop,baguette,alsace,arizona) STEP 7.0: succumb(prostatitis-23,rest,baguette,mars,vulcan) STEP 7.1: feast(rest,baguette,lobster,pennsylvania,surrey) STEP 8.0: succumb(anxiety-25,rest,lobster,vulcan,jupiter) STEP 8.1: feast(rest,lobster,hotdog,pennsylvania,surrey) STEP 9: feast(rest,hotdog,pea,surrey,quebec) STEP 10: feast(rest,pea,hotdog,pennsylvania,surrey) STEP 11: feast(rest,hotdog,lobster,pennsylvania,surrey) STEP 12.0: overcome(anxiety-25,rest,lobster,vulcan,jupiter) STEP 12.1: feast(rest,lobster,baguette,arizona,pennsylvania) STEP 13.0: overcome(prostatitis-23,rest,baguette,mars,vulcan) STEP 13.1: feast(rest,baguette,lobster,arizona,pennsylvania) STEP 14: feast(rest,lobster,hotdog,alsace,arizona) STEP 15: feast(rest,hotdog,pea,arizona,pennsylvania) STEP 16: feast(rest,pea,potato,arizona,pennsylvania) STEP 17: succumb(prostatitis-23,rest,potato,mars,vulcan) STEP 18: succumb(anxiety-25,rest,potato,vulcan,jupiter) 61 actions in the plan. total time 180.44 preprocess 4.32 total size 8.328 GB max. learned clause length 59188 t val conflicts decisions 0 0 0 0 5 0 7 11 10 -1 2942 4935 15 -1 2700 5339 20 -1 2461 5036 25 -1 2222 4691 30 -1 1982 4462 35 1 1759 4614