Madagascar 0.99999 01/02/2018 14:46:04 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS) Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/barman-sequential-satisficing/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/barman-sequential-satisficing/instances/instance-10.pddlignoring --stats ignoring --stats-iter ignoring --verbose -m 8192 Domain: barman Problem: prob Parser: 2812 ground actions and 482 state variables Invariants: 0 1 2 3 0.04 secs Goal: conjunctive Simplified: 1750 ground actions and 325 state variables Actions: STRIPS Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.03 secs (max SCC size 312) Plan type: E-step Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 134 MB) Horizon 0: 325 variables 0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 5: 16570 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 321 MB) Horizon 10: 32815 variables 5 UNSAT (91 decisions 91 conflicts) Horizon 15: 49060 variables Horizon 20: 65305 variables Horizon 25: 81550 variables Horizon 30: 97795 variables Horizon 35: 114040 variables Horizon 40: 130285 variables Horizon 45: 146530 variables 10 UNSAT (493 decisions 478 conflicts) Horizon 50: 162775 variables Horizon 55: 179020 variables Horizon 60: 195265 variables Horizon 65: 211510 variables Horizon 70: 227755 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1536 MB) Horizon 75: 244000 variables Horizon 80: 260245 variables Horizon 85: 276490 variables Horizon 90: 292735 variables Horizon 95: 308980 variables Horizon 100: 325225 variables Horizon 105: 341470 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2230 MB) Horizon 110: 357715 variables GC: 13.89 MB GC: 16.35 MB 15 UNSAT (5609 decisions 4525 conflicts) Horizon 115: 373960 variables GC: 26.62 MB GC: 21.44 MB GC: 22.00 MB GC: 22.31 MB GC: 22.30 MB GC: 22.64 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 2361 MB) GC: 25.31 MB GC: 26.20 MB GC: 26.19 MB GC: 26.34 MB GC: 27.59 MB GC: 29.55 MB GC: 29.46 MB GC: 30.79 MB GC: 31.07 MB GC: 32.58 MB GC: 32.68 MB GC: 34.20 MB GC: 33.49 MB GC: 35.06 MB GC: 35.15 MB GC: 38.24 MB GC: 38.48 MB GC: 40.81 MB GC: 41.20 MB GC: 41.65 MB GC: 41.88 MB GC: 43.04 MB GC: 44.02 MB GC: 43.82 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 2393 MB) GC: 45.51 MB GC: 45.87 MB GC: 46.83 MB GC: 49.09 MB GC: 53.30 MB GC: 54.68 MB GC: 57.74 MB GC: 57.36 MB GC: 59.61 MB GC: 57.30 MB GC: 60.38 MB GC: 62.04 MB GC: 63.64 MB GC: 63.89 MB GC: 67.03 MB GC: 68.32 MB GC: 64.15 MB GC: 65.95 MB GC: 64.53 MB GC: 65.96 MB GC: 66.75 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 2425 MB) GC: 71.20 MB GC: 70.80 MB GC: 72.87 MB GC: 68.42 MB GC: 76.44 MB GC: 75.83 MB GC: 71.63 MB GC: 77.99 MB GC: 76.78 MB GC: 79.65 MB GC: 80.97 MB GC: 78.79 MB GC: 79.23 MB GC: 85.73 MB GC: 84.02 MB GC: 82.42 MB GC: 83.39 MB GC: 89.15 MB GC: 87.01 MB GC: 89.52 MB GC: 94.09 MB GC: 89.89 MB GC: 91.39 MB GC: 92.66 MB GC: 94.46 MB GC: 95.77 MB GC: 94.79 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 2457 MB) GC: 95.98 MB GC: 97.18 MB GC: 97.52 MB GC: 99.22 MB GC: 100.65 MB GC: 99.88 MB GC: 99.27 MB GC: 105.71 MB GC: 104.01 MB GC: 107.68 MB GC: 105.92 MB GC: 99.76 MB GC: 105.54 MB GC: 112.54 MB # statistics in YAML format --- runtime: total: 899.68 # [s] preprocessing: 0.09 # [s] maxLearnedClauseLength: 14520 groundActions: afterParsing: 2812 afterPreprocessing: 1750 stateVariables: afterParsing: 482 afterPreprocessing: 325 stronglyConnectedComponents: maxSize: 312 plan: found: false iterations: - horizon: 0 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 325 - horizon: 5 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 91 decisions: 91 variables: 16570 - horizon: 10 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 478 decisions: 493 variables: 32815 - horizon: 15 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 4525 decisions: 5609 variables: 49060 - horizon: 20 result: unknown conflicts: 465405 decisions: 603302 variables: 65305 - horizon: 25 result: unknown conflicts: 418748 decisions: 592212 variables: 81550 - horizon: 30 result: unknown conflicts: 376824 decisions: 561985 variables: 97795 - horizon: 35 result: unknown conflicts: 339114 decisions: 538120 variables: 114040 - horizon: 40 result: unknown conflicts: 305223 decisions: 505980 variables: 130285 - horizon: 45 result: unknown conflicts: 274718 decisions: 477664 variables: 146530 - horizon: 50 result: unknown conflicts: 247209 decisions: 443763 variables: 162775 - horizon: 55 result: unknown conflicts: 222516 decisions: 415844 variables: 179020 - horizon: 60 result: unknown conflicts: 200188 decisions: 382607 variables: 195265 - horizon: 65 result: unknown conflicts: 180168 decisions: 349253 variables: 211510 - horizon: 70 result: unknown conflicts: 162198 decisions: 322022 variables: 227755 - horizon: 75 result: unknown conflicts: 146011 decisions: 289049 variables: 244000 - horizon: 80 result: unknown conflicts: 131398 decisions: 265522 variables: 260245 - horizon: 85 result: unknown conflicts: 118253 decisions: 236616 variables: 276490 - horizon: 90 result: unknown conflicts: 106406 decisions: 218320 variables: 292735 - horizon: 95 result: unknown conflicts: 95768 decisions: 196998 variables: 308980 - horizon: 100 result: unknown conflicts: 86239 decisions: 181679 variables: 325225 - horizon: 105 result: unknown conflicts: 77635 decisions: 159986 variables: 341470 - horizon: 110 result: unknown conflicts: 69895 decisions: 148167 variables: 357715 - horizon: 115 result: unknown conflicts: 62856 decisions: 137883 variables: 373960 ...