Patrick Lühne
The Git history is sufficient for viewing past status messages. Additionally, long status log files tend to take long to render. With this commit, only the most recent 100 lines are kept, and this number can be configured.
263 lines
8.7 KiB
263 lines
8.7 KiB
import atexit
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import yaml
import pprint
def executeCommand(command, stdin = None, cwd = None):
with subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = (subprocess.PIPE if stdin != None else None), cwd = cwd) as process:
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input = (stdin.encode("utf-8") if stdin != None else None))
exitCode = process.returncode
return stdout.decode("utf-8"), stderr.decode("utf-8"), exitCode
def plaspVersion(config):
version, _, _ = executeCommand([config["executables"]["plasp"]["binary"], "-v"])
version = version.strip()
match = re.match(r'plasp version (.*?)$', version, re.M | re.I)
def clingoVersion(config):
version, _, _ = executeCommand([config["executables"]["clingo"]["binary"], "-v"])
version = version.strip()
match = re.match(r'clingo version (.*?)$', version, re.M | re.I)
def plannerVersion(config):
version, _, _ = executeCommand(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd = config["executables"]["planner"]["directory"])
date, _, _ = executeCommand(["git", "show", "-s", "--format=%ci"], cwd = config["executables"]["planner"]["directory"])
return version.strip() + " (" + date.strip() + ")"
def fastDownwardVersion(config):
version, _, _ = executeCommand(["hg", "log", "-r.", "-T {rev}:{node} ({date|isodate})"], cwd = config["executables"]["fastDownward"]["directory"])
return version.strip()
def git(command, cwd):
stdout, stderr, exitCode = executeCommand(["git"] + command, cwd = cwd)
if exitCode != 0:
print(stderr, file = sys.stderr)
raise RuntimeError("git error")
def initRepo(config):
dataDir = config["storage"]["local"]
# clone repo if not existing
if not os.path.isdir(config["storage"]["local"]):
git(["clone", config["storage"]["remote"], dataDir], None)
# default settings
git(["config", "--local", "", config["storage"]["userName"]], dataDir)
git(["config", "--local", "", config["storage"]["userEMail"]], dataDir)
if "userSigningKey" in config["storage"]:
git(["config", "--local", "user.signingkey", config["storage"]["userSigningKey"]], dataDir)
git(["config", "--local", "commit.gpgsign", "true"], dataDir)
git(["config", "--local", "commit.gpgsign", "false"], dataDir)
# fetch origin
git(["fetch"], cwd = dataDir)
# pull all branches
for key, branch in config["storage"]["branches"].items():
git(["checkout", branch], cwd = dataDir)
git(["pull"], cwd = dataDir)
def readBenchmarkConfig(config):
dataDir = config["storage"]["local"]
# checkout config branch
git(["checkout", config["storage"]["branches"]["config"]], cwd = dataDir)
# read instance list
instancesFile = os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], "instances.yaml")
with open(instancesFile, "r") as stream:
instances = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.CLoader)
# read configurations to test
configurationsFile = os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], "configurations.yaml")
with open(configurationsFile, "r") as stream:
configurations = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.CLoader)
# flatten lists of options
for configuration in configurations["configurations"]:
configuration["options"] = [item for sublist in configuration["options"] for item in sublist]
return {"configurations": configurations, "instances": instances}
def inputFilenames(instance, config):
pddlInstancesDir = config["input"]["pddlInstances"]
domainFile = os.path.join(pddlInstancesDir, instance["ipc"], "domains", instance["domain"], "domain.pddl")
instanceFile = os.path.join(pddlInstancesDir, instance["ipc"], "domains", instance["domain"], "instances", "instance-" + str(instance["instance"]) + ".pddl")
return {"domainFile": domainFile, "instanceFile": instanceFile}
def outputFilenames(configuration, instance, config):
instanceID = instance["ipc"] + "_" + instance["domain"] + "_" + str(instance["instance"])
outputFile = os.path.join(configuration["id"], instanceID + ".out")
errorFile = os.path.join(configuration["id"], instanceID + ".err")
environmentFile = os.path.join(configuration["id"], instanceID + ".env")
return {"outputFile": outputFile, "errorFile": errorFile, "environmentFile": environmentFile}
def nextJob(config):
benchmarkConfig = readBenchmarkConfig(config)
dataDir = config["storage"]["local"]
# checkout results branch
git(["checkout", config["storage"]["branches"]["results"]], cwd = dataDir)
configurations = benchmarkConfig["configurations"]["configurations"]
instances = benchmarkConfig["instances"]
for instanceSetName, instanceSet in instances.items():
for instance in instanceSet:
for configuration in configurations:
filenames = outputFilenames(configuration, instance, config)
outputFile = os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], filenames["outputFile"])
environmentFile = os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], filenames["environmentFile"])
if not os.path.exists(outputFile) or not os.path.exists(environmentFile):
return {"configuration": configuration, "instance": instance}
return None
def writeStatus(message, config):
dataDir = config["storage"]["local"]
# checkout status branch
git(["checkout", config["storage"]["branches"]["status"]], cwd = dataDir)
statusFilename = os.path.join(dataDir, "status.log")
if os.path.exists(statusFilename):
with open(statusFilename, "r") as statusFile:
# add the previous status messages, but trancate them
content = statusFile.readlines()[0:(config["storage"]["statusLogSize"] - 1)]
content = ""
with open(statusFilename, "w") as statusFile:
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z") + "\t" + message + "\n" + "".join(content), file = statusFile, end = "")
git(["add", "status.log"], dataDir)
git(["commit", "-m Update status: " + message], dataDir)
git(["push"], dataDir)
def runJob(configuration, instance, config):
jobName = "[" + str(configuration["id"]) + " | " + instance["ipc"] + " | " + instance["domain"] + " | " + str(instance["instance"]) + "]"
writeStatus("started benchmark job " + jobName, config)
dataDir = config["storage"]["local"]
inputFiles = inputFilenames(instance, config)
# checkout results branch
git(["checkout", config["storage"]["branches"]["results"]], cwd = dataDir)
command = \
"-m=" + str(config["limits"]["memory"]),
"-t=" + str(config["limits"]["time"]),
"--domain=" + inputFiles["domainFile"],
command += configuration["options"]
# TODO: verify planner Git hash
plannerDir = config["executables"]["planner"]["directory"]
stdout, stderr, exitCode = executeCommand(command, cwd = plannerDir)
outputFiles = outputFilenames(configuration, instance, config)
outputDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], outputFiles["outputFile"]))
if not os.path.isdir(outputDir):
with open(os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], outputFiles["outputFile"]), "w") as outputFile, \
open(os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], outputFiles["errorFile"]), "w") as errorFile, \
open(os.path.join(config["storage"]["local"], outputFiles["environmentFile"]), "w") as environmentFile:
print(stdout, file = outputFile)
print("# configuration: " + str(configuration), file = errorFile)
print("# instance: " + str(instance), file = errorFile)
print("# command: " + str(command), file = errorFile)
print("# working directory: " + plannerDir, file = errorFile)
print(stderr, file = errorFile)
if exitCode != 0:
environment = \
"configuration": configuration,
"instance": instance,
"command": command,
"workingDirectory": plannerDir,
"versions": \
"clingo": clingoVersion(config),
"plasp": plaspVersion(config),
"planner": plannerVersion(config),
"fastDownward": fastDownwardVersion(config)
print(yaml.dump(environment, default_flow_style = False), file = environmentFile)
git(["add", outputFiles["outputFile"], outputFiles["errorFile"], outputFiles["environmentFile"]], dataDir)
git(["commit", "-m Add benchmark result " + jobName], dataDir)
git(["push"], dataDir)
if exitCode != 0:
writeStatus("errors reported for benchmark job " + jobName, config)
writeStatus("finished benchmark job " + jobName, config)
def main():
with open("config.yaml", "r") as stream:
config = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.CLoader)
atexit.register(writeStatus, "benchmark runner exited", config)
performedJobs = 0
while True:
job = nextJob(config)
if not job:
configuration = job["configuration"]
instance = job["instance"]
runJob(configuration, instance, config)
performedJobs += 1
if performedJobs == 0:
writeStats("finished benchmark series", config)