from collections import namedtuple import keras from keras.activations import elu from keras.engine import Input, Model as KerasModel from keras.layers import Conv1D, Dense, Dropout, Embedding, GlobalAveragePooling1D, GlobalMaxPooling1D, TimeDistributed import dataset def selu(x): """Scaled Exponential Linear Unit. (Klambauer et al., 2017) # Arguments x: A tensor or variable to compute the activation function for. # References - [Self-Normalizing Neural Networks]( # copied from """ alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717 scale = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946 return scale * elu(x, alpha) Model = namedtuple("Model", ["in_domains", "in_flows", "out_client", "out_server"]) def get_embedding(embedding_size, input_length, filter_size, kernel_size, hidden_dims, drop_out=0.5) -> KerasModel: x = y = Input(shape=(input_length,)) y = Embedding(input_dim=dataset.get_vocab_size(), output_dim=embedding_size)(y) y = Conv1D(filter_size, kernel_size, activation=selu)(y) y = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(y) y = Dense(hidden_dims, activation=selu)(y) return KerasModel(x, y) def get_model(cnnDropout, flow_features, domain_features, window_size, domain_length, cnn_dims, kernel_size, dense_dim, cnn, model_output="both") -> Model: ipt_domains = Input(shape=(window_size, domain_length), name="ipt_domains") encoded = TimeDistributed(cnn, name="domain_cnn")(ipt_domains) ipt_flows = Input(shape=(window_size, flow_features), name="ipt_flows") merged = keras.layers.concatenate([encoded, ipt_flows], -1) # CNN processing a small slides of flow windows y = Conv1D(cnn_dims, kernel_size, activation=selu, input_shape=(window_size, domain_features + flow_features))(merged) # remove temporal dimension by global max pooling y = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(y) y = Dropout(cnnDropout)(y) y = Dense(dense_dim, activation=selu)(y) out_client = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name="client")(y) out_server = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name="server")(y) return Model(ipt_domains, ipt_flows, out_client, out_server) def get_new_model(dropout, flow_features, domain_features, window_size, domain_length, cnn_dims, kernel_size, dense_dim, cnn, model_output="both") -> Model: ipt_domains = Input(shape=(window_size, domain_length), name="ipt_domains") ipt_flows = Input(shape=(window_size, flow_features), name="ipt_flows") encoded = TimeDistributed(cnn, name="domain_cnn")(ipt_domains) merged = keras.layers.concatenate([encoded, ipt_flows], -1) y = Dense(dense_dim, activation=selu)(merged) out_server = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid", name="server")(y) merged = keras.layers.concatenate([merged, y], -1) # CNN processing a small slides of flow windows y = Conv1D(filters=cnn_dims, kernel_size=kernel_size, activation=selu, padding="same", input_shape=(window_size, domain_features + flow_features))(merged) # remove temporal dimension by global max pooling y = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(y) y = Dropout(dropout)(y) y = Dense(dense_dim, activation=selu, name="dense_client")(y) out_client = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name="client")(y) return Model(ipt_domains, ipt_flows, out_client, out_server)