Support placeholders with #external declarations

This adds support for declaring predicates as placeholders through the
“#external” directive in the input language of clingo.

Placeholders are not subject to completion. This prevents predicates
that represent instance-specific facts from being assumed as universally
false by default negation when translating an encoding.

This stretches clingo’s usual syntax a bit to make the implementation
lightweight. In order to declare a predicate with a specific arity as a
placeholder, the following statement needs to be added to the program:

    #external <predicate name>(<arity>).

Multiple unit tests cover cases where placeholders are used or not as
well as a more complex graph coloring example.
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Lühne 2018-04-05 23:22:25 +02:00
parent c91cbaf58b
commit c294a29cb2
Signed by: patrick
GPG Key ID: 05F3611E97A70ABF
9 changed files with 192 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
## (unreleased)
### Features
* support for declaring placeholders with the `#external` directive
### Internal
* drops Boost dependency in favor of the header-only command-line option library [cxxopts](

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <anthem/AST.h>
#include <anthem/ASTVisitors.h>
#include <anthem/Context.h>
namespace anthem
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ class VariableStack
bool matches(const Predicate &lhs, const Predicate &rhs);
bool matches(const Predicate &predicate, const PredicateSignature &signature);
bool matches(const PredicateSignature &lhs, const PredicateSignature &rhs);
void collectPredicateSignatures(const Formula &formula, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &predicateSignatures);
void collectPredicateSignatures(const Formula &formula, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &predicateSignatures, Context &context);
// Replacing Variables

View File

@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ namespace anthem
struct PredicateSignatureMeta
ast::PredicateSignature predicateSignature;
bool used{false};
struct Context
Context() = default;
@ -30,7 +38,8 @@ struct Context
bool performSimplification = false;
bool performCompletion = false;
std::optional<std::vector<ast::PredicateSignature>> visiblePredicateSignatures;
std::optional<std::vector<PredicateSignatureMeta>> visiblePredicateSignatures;
std::optional<std::vector<PredicateSignatureMeta>> externalPredicateSignatures;
ast::ParenthesisStyle parenthesisStyle = ast::ParenthesisStyle::Normal;

View File

@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ struct StatementVisitor
context.logger.log(output::Priority::Debug, statement.location) << "showing “" << << "/" << signature.arity() << "";
context.visiblePredicateSignatures.value().emplace_back(std::string(, signature.arity());
auto predicateSignature = ast::PredicateSignature{std::string(, signature.arity()};
void visit(const Clingo::AST::ShowTerm &, const Clingo::AST::Statement &statement, std::vector<ast::ScopedFormula> &, Context &)
@ -184,6 +185,44 @@ struct StatementVisitor
throw LogicException(statement.location, "only #show statements for atoms (not terms) are supported currently");
void visit(const Clingo::AST::External &external, const Clingo::AST::Statement &statement, std::vector<ast::ScopedFormula> &, Context &context)
const auto fail =
throw LogicException(statement.location, "only #external declarations of the form “#external <predicate name>(<arity>). supported");
if (!external.body.empty())
if (!<Clingo::AST::Function>())
const auto &predicate =<Clingo::AST::Function>();
if (predicate.arguments.size() != 1)
const auto &arityArgument = predicate.arguments.front();
if (!<Clingo::Symbol>())
const auto &aritySymbol =<Clingo::Symbol>();
if (aritySymbol.type() != Clingo::SymbolType::Number)
const size_t arity =<Clingo::Symbol>().number();
if (!context.externalPredicateSignatures)
auto predicateSignature = ast::PredicateSignature{std::string(, arity};
template<class T>
void visit(const T &, const Clingo::AST::Statement &statement, std::vector<ast::ScopedFormula> &, Context &)

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ struct CollectFreeVariablesVisitor
struct CollectPredicateSignaturesVisitor : public RecursiveFormulaVisitor<CollectPredicateSignaturesVisitor>
static void accept(const Predicate &predicate, const Formula &, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &predicateSignatures)
static void accept(const Predicate &predicate, const Formula &, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &predicateSignatures, Context &context)
const auto predicateSignatureMatches =
[&predicate](const auto &predicateSignature)
@ -206,12 +206,35 @@ struct CollectPredicateSignaturesVisitor : public RecursiveFormulaVisitor<Collec
// TODO: avoid copies
predicateSignatures.emplace_back(std::string(, predicate.arity());
auto predicateSignature = PredicateSignature(std::string(, predicate.arity());
// Ignore predicates that are declared #external
if (context.externalPredicateSignatures)
const auto matchesPredicateSignature =
[&](const auto &otherPredicateSignature)
return ast::matches(predicateSignature, otherPredicateSignature.predicateSignature);
auto &externalPredicateSignatures = context.externalPredicateSignatures.value();
const auto matchingExternalPredicateSignature =
std::find_if(externalPredicateSignatures.begin(), externalPredicateSignatures.end(), matchesPredicateSignature);
if (matchingExternalPredicateSignature != externalPredicateSignatures.end())
matchingExternalPredicateSignature->used = true;
// Ignore all other types of expressions
template<class T>
static void accept(const T &, const Formula &, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &)
static void accept(const T &, const Formula &, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &, const Context &)
@ -240,10 +263,10 @@ bool matches(const PredicateSignature &lhs, const PredicateSignature &rhs)
// TODO: remove const_cast
void collectPredicateSignatures(const Formula &formula, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &predicateSignatures)
void collectPredicateSignatures(const Formula &formula, std::vector<PredicateSignature> &predicateSignatures, Context &context)
auto &formulaMutable = const_cast<Formula &>(formula);
formulaMutable.accept(CollectPredicateSignaturesVisitor(), formulaMutable, predicateSignatures);
formulaMutable.accept(CollectPredicateSignaturesVisitor(), formulaMutable, predicateSignatures, context);

View File

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ std::vector<ast::Formula> complete(std::vector<ast::ScopedFormula> &&scopedFormu
// Get a list of all predicates
for (const auto &scopedFormula : scopedFormulas)
ast::collectPredicateSignatures(scopedFormula.formula, predicateSignatures);
ast::collectPredicateSignatures(scopedFormula.formula, predicateSignatures, context);
std::sort(predicateSignatures.begin(), predicateSignatures.end(),
[](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs)

View File

@ -194,41 +194,40 @@ void eliminateHiddenPredicates(const std::vector<ast::PredicateSignature> &predi
const auto &visiblePredicateSignatures = context.visiblePredicateSignatures.value();
// Check for undeclared predicates that are requested to be shown
for (const auto &visiblePredicateSignature : visiblePredicateSignatures)
const auto matchesPredicateSignature =
[&](const auto &predicateSignature)
return ast::matches(predicateSignature, visiblePredicateSignature);
const auto matchingPredicateSignature =
std::find_if(predicateSignatures.cbegin(), predicateSignatures.cend(), matchesPredicateSignature);
if (matchingPredicateSignature == predicateSignatures.cend())
context.logger.log(output::Priority::Warning) << "cannot show undeclared predicate “" << << "/" << visiblePredicateSignature.arity <<"";
auto &visiblePredicateSignatures = context.visiblePredicateSignatures.value();
// Replace all occurrences of hidden predicates
for (size_t i = 0; i < predicateSignatures.size(); i++)
auto &predicateSignature = predicateSignatures[i];
const auto matchesVisiblePredicateSignature =
[&](const auto &visiblePredicateSignature)
const auto matchesPredicateSignature =
[&](const auto &otherPredicateSignature)
return ast::matches(predicateSignature, visiblePredicateSignature);
return ast::matches(predicateSignature, otherPredicateSignature.predicateSignature);
const auto matchingPredicateSignature =
std::find_if(visiblePredicateSignatures.cbegin(), visiblePredicateSignatures.cend(), matchesVisiblePredicateSignature);
const auto matchingVisiblePredicateSignature =
std::find_if(visiblePredicateSignatures.begin(), visiblePredicateSignatures.end(), matchesPredicateSignature);
// If the predicate ought to be visible, dont eliminate it
if (matchingPredicateSignature != visiblePredicateSignatures.cend())
if (matchingVisiblePredicateSignature != visiblePredicateSignatures.end())
matchingVisiblePredicateSignature->used = true;
// Check that the predicate is not declared #external
if (context.externalPredicateSignatures)
const auto &externalPredicateSignatures = context.externalPredicateSignatures.value();
const auto matchingExternalPredicateSignature =
std::find_if(externalPredicateSignatures.cbegin(), externalPredicateSignatures.cend(), matchesPredicateSignature);
if (matchingExternalPredicateSignature != externalPredicateSignatures.cend())
context.logger.log(output::Priority::Debug) << "eliminating “" << << "/" << predicateSignature.arity << "";

View File

@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ void translate(const char *fileName, std::istream &stream, Context &context)
if (context.visiblePredicateSignatures)
context.logger.log(output::Priority::Warning) << "#show statements are ignored because completion is not enabled";
if (context.externalPredicateSignatures)
context.logger.log(output::Priority::Warning) << "#external statements are ignored because completion is not enabled";
for (const auto &scopedFormula : scopedFormulas)
ast::print(context.logger.outputStream(), scopedFormula.formula, printContext);
@ -82,6 +85,26 @@ void translate(const char *fileName, std::istream &stream, Context &context)
// Perform completion
auto completedFormulas = complete(std::move(scopedFormulas), context);
// Check for #show statements with undeclared predicates
if (context.visiblePredicateSignatures)
for (const auto &predicateSignature : context.visiblePredicateSignatures.value())
if (!predicateSignature.used)
<< "#show declaration of “"
<< "/" << predicateSignature.predicateSignature.arity
<< "” does not match any eligible predicate";
// Check for #external statements with undeclared predicates
if (context.externalPredicateSignatures)
for (const auto &predicateSignature : context.externalPredicateSignatures.value())
if (!predicateSignature.used)
<< "#external declaration of “"
<< "/" << predicateSignature.predicateSignature.arity
<< "” does not match any eligible predicate";
// Simplify output if specified
if (context.performSimplification)
for (auto &completedFormula : completedFormulas)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <anthem/AST.h>
#include <anthem/Context.h>
#include <anthem/Translation.h>
TEST_CASE("[placeholders] Programs with placeholders are correctly completed", "[placeholders]")
std::stringstream input;
std::stringstream output;
std::stringstream errors;
anthem::output::Logger logger(output, errors);
anthem::Context context(std::move(logger));
context.performSimplification = true;
context.performCompletion = true;
SECTION("no placeholders")
input <<
"colored(V, red) :- vertex(V), not colored(V, green), not colored(V, blue).";
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() ==
"forall V1, V2 (colored(V1, V2) <-> (V2 = red and vertex(V1) and not colored(V1, green) and not colored(V1, blue)))\n"
"forall V3 not vertex(V3)\n");
SECTION("single placeholder")
input <<
"#external vertex(1).\n"
"colored(V, red) :- vertex(V), not colored(V, green), not colored(V, blue).";
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() ==
"forall V1, V2 (colored(V1, V2) <-> (V2 = red and vertex(V1) and not colored(V1, green) and not colored(V1, blue)))\n");
SECTION("complex example: graph coloring")
input <<
"#external color(1).\n"
"#external edge(2).\n"
"#external vertex(1).\n"
"#show color/2.\n"
"{color(V, C)} :- vertex(V), color(C).\n"
"covered(V) :- color(V, _).\n"
":- vertex(V), not covered(V).\n"
":- color(V1, C), color(V2, C), edge(V1, V2).";
anthem::translate("input", input, context);
CHECK(output.str() ==
"forall V1, V2 (color(V1, V2) <-> (vertex(V1) and color(V2) and color(V1, V2)))\n"
"forall U1 not (vertex(U1) and not exists U2 color(U1, U2))\n"
"forall U3, U4, U5 not (color(U3, U4) and color(U5, U4) and edge(U3, U5))\n");